King's Business - 1921-08



“Straight ahead!” In the path that the fathers trod. “Straight ahead!” With all the faithful sons of God, singing anthems of praise^ “Straight ahead!” For Christ and the church. “Straight ahead!” Don’t look to the right;; don’t look to the left; keep in the middle of the road. * T. C. H. IS IT MASTER OR MISTER? Some years ago a Unitarian national convention was held in New York State. A resolution was introduced whieh contained the words. “ Lord Jesus Christ.” A New England minister by thé name of Potter moved that the word “ Lord” be stricken out and the word “ Mister” substituted there­ for. While the suggestion was perfectly in keeping with the Unitarian view, which denies the Deity of Christ, it was a little too much for the con­ vention and did not pass. Not only the Unitarians but many who hold membership in orthodox churches would, if they were consistent, speak of Christ as “ Mr.” instead of as “ Lord.” The writings of Mrs. Eddy are full of the expression “ our Lord,” yet she makes nothing more of Him than the “ highest human con­ cept of the divine idea.” Mr. Russell’s teaching also leads t'o the conclu­ sion.that those who addressed Christ as “ Lord” during His earthly career, were blasphemers, for Russell insists that Jesus did not have a divine nature until after His exaltation and that He was only “ a perfect human being” while now He is a spirit being. Ministers in evangelical churches who look upon Christ as the “ flower of humanity” are so inconsistent as to refer to Him as “ our Lord” in a communion service. Why not be consistent? To them He is “ Mister,” not “ Master,” a leader, not THE LORD. A few years ago there was an issue about the “ divinity” of Christ. The Unitarians and their offspring quickly saw the point and now firmly declare their belief in His divinity. They tell us that ‘‘God is immanent in human nature and we are ALL sons of God” and that “ no one disputes Christ’s divinity or their own either.” It is therefore necessary to talk in Scriptural terms. The New. Testa­ ment teaches the Deity of Christ. No scholar can deny it. There is but one escape—disparage the testimony of the writers. One class affirm that the writers were Christ’s personal friends and were not impartial witnesses. They colored the story for effect. The other class affirm that the writers were men of a later age, not the disciples, and that they concocted their story. | But the fact remains that in the record His Deity was acknowledged by men who were His enemies, and His claims can be fully established by hostile witnesses. The religious and moral men of His day condemned Him not because He wanted to overthrow the Roman government and set up a throne, but because “ He made Himself equal with God.” The question is,—Is He what He claimed to be ? If. He is not, and is merely a human being, He is far from being “ an idyllic figure.” He is made out to be the champion of liars. “ Cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm.”

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