King's Business - 1921-08

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 757 nor are they known of Him. However, the Scriptures, speaking of those who are bofn again through faith in th e finished work of Christ upon th e cross, declare th a t they are known of th e Lord (2 Tim. 2 :1 9 ). The Lord Jesus H imself tells us who it is th a t He will not recognize a t His coming, for-H e says in Matt. 7:22, 23: “Many will say to me in th a t day....*....*....*....have we not in thy nam e done many wonderful works? And then will X profess unto them , I never knew you.” Who is it th a t He refuses to recognize? The prem illennialists? It seems to be those who are devoid of th e power of th e Holy Spirit (typified by oil) who u tterly disregard the program of God as given in H is inspired Word, and who set up th eir own program s instead. Where are these lazy prem illennialists who cumber th e earth and do nothing in th e Lord’s service? The g reat m ajority of th e most successful m issionaries, evangelists and pastors, past and present, seem to have believed th is way. Then where does Prof. E a rl’s in terp retation fit in? You tell us. K. L. B. §&» a s THE MODERN “BROTHERS OF JESUS” MOVEMENT “Religious Publicity Associations” are springing up in th e larger cities. Space is purchased in the newspapers and the modern liberal in terp retation s of the Scriptures are exploited, evidently w ith th e though t of draw ing to the churches the element who regard th e teachings of orthodoxy as unsuited to the modern mind. ■ A predom inating though t in these ads is th a t “ all are the children of God.” From such an ad in a San Francisco paper, we quote th e following: “Let us be b etter brothers of Jesus.” “Man is th e image of God.” “ Jesus shows the way of etern al life— ‘inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of th e least of these my breth ren , ye have done it unto me-’ ” “ God is no respecter of persons.” “The kingdom of God is w ithin you.” Such teaching is false to the very core. Nevertheless it is to be found every­ where-in modern church literatu re, and always passed off as the teaching of the Scripture. Rev. H. M. Dodd has well said: “ If all men are sons of God, w hat a sad lot of sons God has. This universal F atherhood doctrine begets laxness of life. It is one of our most dangerous errors. It is fascinating to th e carnal heart. It humanizes Deity and deifies humanity, and is death to vital piety.” There is only one teaching in the Bible. God is the F ath e r only of those who have been born into His family by the Holy Spirit (Jn. 3 :3 -5 ). God is th e C reator of air men (“F ath e r of our Spirits,” Heb. 1 2 :9 ), bu t His F atherhood is based on something beside the mere fact of creation. “That which is born of th e flesh is flesh, and th a t which is born of th e Spirit is sp irit.” “The n atu ra l man cannot please God.” We are no t His children un til by the processes.of the Holy Spirit, we are made p artak ers of th e divine n atu re (2 Pet- 1 :4 ). Bigoted Jews in our Lord’s tim e claimed the F atherhood of God, bu t Jesu s’ answer was (Jn. 8 :44 ),' “Ye are of your fath er the devil.” “ If God were your F ath e r ye.would love me, for I proceeded fo rth and came from God” (v. 42). ,

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