King's Business - 1921-08



(? ) out of every religion in order make one common religion, th a : will su it all people. This is indeed Man's day. He will have it his way in spite of God’s abundan t offers of grace. ’But th e end is near. It may not be in our lifetime, b u t it is very liable to be. “Watch th erefo re: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” W orld­ wide conditions point to a g reat change. SURE PROOF. Major D. W. W hittle tells of a man who came to Mr. Finney and said: “ I don’t believe in the existence of a devil.” “Don’t you?” said the old man. “Well, you resist him for awhile, and you will believe in him .” I ou tlasts all th e cu rren ts and | counter-currents of hum an criti- j | cism and in terp retation , like th e § | rock w here seas meet. Jesu s | 1 Christ, th e living “Rock,” is th e i* | same, yesterday, today and for- §■ | ever. And when, from any causes, j§ ■| a la rg e num ber of sincere and 1 I though tfu l p e o p l e have been | I moved away from th e su re founda- | | tions of a Scriptural faith , it is | I ' to be reasonably expected th a t 1 | they, o r a t least th e ir children, 1 | should be moved back again,— | by th e wisdom of experience; by | 1 th e dem onstrated inefficiency an d I a failu re of th e ir speculative sys- | | terns; and, above all, by th e I | yearning of th e ir deeper life a fte r | | tru th s which impatience a t ex- | trem e dogmatism , o r p arty feel- 1 I ing, h as long hidden from them ; | | by' th e longing of th e ir hearts, 1 | und er th e touch of th e Holy B | Spirit,— fo r satisfactions found j | only in th e old an d everlasting g I doctrines of th e Church of Christ. | | — Dr. F . D. H untington, 1870. I THE ^Hiiiiiiim inuiismii)MrpiiiiimiiuiiiiiHimiiiiiiiijiiiiiiihiimij.rpiHiuiiuHiiiijHiiHiiiHiuiiuiiHiriMiiijf. PRIMITIVE CREED HE g rea t tru th s, both | n a tu ra l a n d revealed, | stand fast. The prim i- | tive Creed, drawn di- | rectly from th e Gospel, | .

th e fu tu re will p u t the sta r of empire back where It started in th e land of an­ cient Babylon. H ints of a “ yellow peril” are already floating in the. air. Com­ mercialism is no longer a national fac­ to r in the world. It is international. Every day it is becoming more concen­ tra te d and consolidated. In a few years it will be set upon its own base in the land of Shinar, according to Zech. 5:11. This will mean th a t from one commer­ cial center in th e E uphrates Valley all the necessities of th e world’s life will be controlled. Then it will be possible for some wicked ru ler to say, “No man shall buy or sell unless he have th e m ark of the Beast.” Rev. 13:17. So th a t in ternational dinner, th a t you ate yes­ terday— for you ate food from many countries— is a sign of the approaching end of this age. Have you noticed th a t communication it, instantaneous, practically so’, in our telegraph, telephone, and w ireless ap­ pliances? Now we go th rough space w ith no obstacles b u t the friction of the air. Have you though t of th e variety of dress and architecture? In Abra­ h am ’s tim e they all wore the same style. Now it is a m ixture of all th e styles of th e nations, and becoming more cos­ mopolitan every day. Our buildings are a m ixture of Grecian, Roman, Gothii Corinthian, Mediaeval and Modern. Even our th eatrical stage and screen dis­ play not the life of one nation only, bu t th e mixing of all in th e ir characters. Even our social occasions appeal to the world a t large. Society now is the society of the whole world. Government now is be­ coming world government. Commerce is world-wide commerce. In other words we are tak ing th e best (?) from th e social life, from the commercial life, and from th e governmental life of all nations. We are crystalizing these into proper form to use in th e future. The ecclesiastical modernist and the. higher critics are tak ing w hat they th in k best

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