King's Business - 1921-08



trines, As a result, faith became colder from th at time onwards among Japanese Church members. In China and India also the new theology is working havoc among converts to Christianity. The missionary, Robert Gillies, of the China Inland Mission, reports th a t in China the destructive criticism is making inroads upon the preaching of the missionaries and upon th e literature published by missionary publishing houses. This is the consequence of prospective mission­ aries attending unsafe colleges and sem­ inaries in the home land. Furthermore many of th e Christian missions in China send their students to Great Britain and America to be educated and in many instances th eir faith in the Bible, as taught by faithful m issionaries, is un­ dermined. A veteran missionary says: “We pray the Lord of the harvest th at He will th ru st forth laborers into the harvest, and then we send those labor­ ers to seminaries where they are unfit­ ted, wholly incapacitated, to work in the harvest field. It will probably be remem­ bered th at Evangelist J. Wilbur Chap­ man gave the advice th at the churches at home should recall from the mission field all missionaries who did not believe w ithout reserve in the integrity and au tho rity of the Bible.” No Missionary Motive Liberalism, by the confession of some of its own adherents, lacks the true m is­ sionary motive. Has it ever been heard of, th a t people are tithing themselves in order to spread the modern religious lib­ eralism among heathen nations? We trow not. But there are many, many loyal Christian believers who tithe them­ selves to assist in bringing the precious Gospel of salvation to those who grope in heathen darkness. ■ They have the missionary sp irit for the reason th at they are convinced they have in the Chris­ tian faith the most valuable treasure. They realize th a t the g reatest' service to be rendered to others is to spread the faith through which they have found

salvation. There are those who give tithes of their income though they them­ selves are doing without some things th at are generally supposed to be need­ ful. Some do not have the means to educate their own children properly. They make sacrifices out of love to their Lord, to bring to the heathen this price­ less treasure. Now for religious lib- eralists to use such money for liberal- istic purposes in accordance with the new view of missions, is by all odds the greatest offense of which liberalism is guilty. That such conditions are pos­ sible is also a serious blot on the good name of the Christian Church. I t is only fair to say th a t liberalism should not undertake the liberalization and so­ cialization of the world if its own con­ stituency is unwilling to support this work by furnishing the needed means. BOMBED FOR LOYALTY TO CHRIST. Rev. S. R. Nichols, one of th e corres- pondence students of the Bible In stitu te, who is pastor of th e Prim itive Methodist Church, a t Old Forge, Pa., recently had his home destroyed by a bomb placed by someone opposed to his stree t preach­ ing and his stand against imm orality in th e community. The explosion com­ pletely wrecked his home, destroying his fu rn itu re, also blowing th e church organ into bits. His wife was very ser­ iously injured, b u t is slowly recovering. Mr. Nichols has been tak ing a strong stand against the wide open houses of prostitution, and the gambling and booze dens, and of course incurred th e enm ity cf th e evil element. His congregation is small and it will be difficult for them to raise the money to rep air the damage. If any of our readers feel th a t they would like to help these people in rais­ ing about $6000 needed, gifts may be sent to Mr. Nichols a t 519 Bridge Street, Buryea, Pa. m ^ Help us put The K. B. homes in your tov?n. into more

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