King's Business - 1921-08

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S under one King. Ezek. 37:19-22, 24- 28. ' ( 6 ) . Jud ah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely. Jer. 23:5, 6; Rom. 11:26. ( 7 ) . Israel shall be cleansed from all th e ir filthiness, and from all th eir idols, a new h ea rt will be given them and a new sp irit p u t w ithin them ; the. stony h ea rt shall be tak en away from them and they shall be given a h ea rt of flesh. God will p u t H is Spirit w ithin them and cause them to walk in His sta tu te s and they shall keep H is judg­ ments and do them . Ezek. 37:23-28; 36:25-31; Je r. 31:31-34. ( 8 ) . Israel shall be wondrously mul­ tiplied and th e waste and desolate and m in ed cities shall be reb u ilt and the desolate land made like a Garden of Eden. Jerusalem shall be called the City of T ru th and shall be filled w ith peace, p rosperity and happiness. Ezek. 36:37, 38; Jer. 31:27, 28; Ezek. 36:33- 37; Zech. 8:1-5; Is. 1:24-27; 4:2-6; 25: 6-9; 26:1-21; 29:17-24; 44:1-8; 66:5- 24. ( 9 ) . Israel shall be greatly exalted above th e nations. Zech. 8:20-23; 2: 8-13; Is. 49:22, 23; 2:1-4; 66:20. (10 ). Israel shall go fo rth to the n a t­ ions as preachers of th e glory of Jeho­ vah. Is. 66:18, 19. 4. AS REGARDS THE NATIONS AND UNREGENERATE INDIVIDUALS. ( 1 ) . All th e trib es of the earth shall mourn over Him. Matt. 24:30; Rev. 1:7. ( 2 ) . The kings of th e ea rth and th e g reat of th e nations shall hide them ­ selves and call to th e mountains and to th e rocks to fall on them and hide them from the face of Him who sitteth on th e th ron e and from the w rath of the Lamb. Rev. 6:15-17. ( 3 ) . The nations then living upon th e ea rth shall be gathered tog ether be­ fore Him for judgm ent. Matt. 25:31- 46. (A t the end of th e M illennial reign


those who had no p art in the first resu r­ rection shall be raised and shall be judg­ ed a t th e judgm ent of th e G reat White ■Throne. Rev. 20:11-15). ( 4 ) . The residue of men and ali the nations upon whom Jehovah’s name is called will seek afte r th e Lord. People shall come and th e inh ab itan ts of many cities, many peoples and strong nations, to seek th e Lord of Hosts in Jerusalem , Acts 15:16, 17; Zech. 8:20-23; Is. 2:2, 3. ( 5 ) . The Lord Christ shall sh a tte r all those who are rebellious against Him. Ps. 2:7-12. ( 6 ) . • Those who know not God and those who obey not th e Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ shall suffer punish­ ment, even eternal destruction, from the face of th e Lord and from th e glory of His power. 11 Thess. 1:7-9. ( 7 ) . Every one th a t is left of th e nations and kings and princes shall wor­ ship and-serve Jesus Christ. Zech. 14: 16; Is. 49 :7 ; Rev. 15:4; Ps. 2 :8 ; 72:8- 11 . ( 8 ) . The kingdom of th is world shall become th e kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. Zech. 9 :10 ; Rev. 11:15. ( 9 ) . W ar shall cease, peace and plenty shall reign and th e righteous shall flourish. Is. 2 :4 ; Micah 4:3, 4; Ps. 72:7, 16. 5. AS REGARDS HUMAN SOCIETY AS A WHOLE. (1 ). The ea rth shall be full of th e knowledge of the Lord as th e w aters cover th e sea. Is. 11:9. 6. AS REGARDS THE ANTICHRIST AND THE DEVIL. ( 1 ) .- The an ti-ch rist shall be pu t out of th e way by th e b reath of His mouth, and brought to naugh t by th e m anifestation of His coming. 11 Thess. 2:8, 9; Rev. 19:19, 20. ( 2 ) . The Devil shall be chained and cast into th e abyss for a thousand years. Rev. 20:1-3. ( 3 ) . U ltim ately th e Devil shall be

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