King's Business - 1921-08



BE OBEYED IN OUR DAY, if HE ta r ­ ries. May He come .soon. Thanking you for your tim e in read­ ing th is letter, I remain Your b ro th er in Christ, H .” ._ M. .$¡4. (Mr FLOODS OF UNBELIEF. We are living in th e last days when we may expect both th e evil and the good to reach th e ir u tterm o st intensity. .The enemy is coming in like a flood. The forms of his opposition have changed, bu t the sp irit is the same. As never before, the floods of infidelity, unbelief, and H igher Criticism are sweeping over th e Church of God. F rom w ithin ra th e r th a n w ithout, th e last attack s have come. F rom th e professor’s chair and th e sacred pulpit and th e lips of the evangelist and th e fountains of culture and education, th e stream s are flowing u n til they th rea ten to submerge th e foundations of the gospel and th e Bible. Simpson. MOULDY BLESSINGS. I th ink h alf th e troubles for which men go slouching in prayer to God are caused by th e ir intolerable pride. Many of our cares are bu t a morbid way of looking a t our privileges. We le t our blessings get mouldy, and then call them curses. Many of our troubles are God drag­ ging us; and they would end if we would stand upon our feet, and go w hither He would have us.— Beecher. BIG CALF. , A young clergyman was boasting of his superior education and of having been educated in two colleges, H arvard and Cambridge, An aged m inister being present, said, “You rem ind me of an instance I knew, of a calf th a t sucked two cows.” “W hat was th a t? ” said a th ird person. “Why, sir, th e conse­ quence was, th a t he was a very big calf.”

imum salary is looked upon as a cheap, worthless man lacking In ambition. God pity th e Church when the day comes • th a t a call to th e m inistry means a call to the m inimum salary. A call to th e min­ istry means to ta k e up a cross and for­ sake all, even th e salary you may really be worth. F o r my part, I am satisfied to get my rew ard when th e G reat Shep­ herd of the flock appears. Consequent­ ly, th e constant demand to pu t on a ‘drive’ to raise th e increasing claims, compels a man to th in k in term s of mon­ ey to such an extent th a t It deadens a man’s spirit, demoralizes, and u tterly unfits for soul w inning and interferes w ith th e preaching of th e Word. The preacher’s efficiency is largely measured by his success as a money getter, and pu tting on a ‘drive.’ The demands ever multiply, which makes of a preacher ‘a draw er of w ater and hewer of wood.’ Official Methodism has many gatherings of her preachers, to get dope and in­ stru ction for money getting. But. I NEVER KNEW OF ONE FOR THE PURPOSE OF URGING HER PROPH­ ETS TO ‘DWELL IN THE SECRET PLACE FOR POWER IN SOUL WIN­ NING’ AND STUDY OF THE WORD. The trad ition s of th e elders, i. e., those who hold the modern view of the Bible and conversion, are not to be disputed. B u t . I will not, God being my Helper, follow them . There are my convictions, based on experience and observation. If I am w rong I.p ray th a t God will- forgive me and open my eyes to see correctly. B u t th e Bible says th a t a falling away shall come in the la tte r day. All who desire to be tru e to Jesus Christ to-day feel th e effect of th e apostasy. Unless a change comes for th e better, not a few men who are tru e to our Lord and Saviour Jesu s Christ and th e w ritten Word will be COMPELLED to consider Revelation 18:4, A N D P O N D E R . WHETHER OR NOT IT IS A CALL TO

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