King's Business - 1921-08



th is institution years ago has been ab­ sorbed by the idea of social benefit to young men; hence it has moved its dwelling place from the mountain tops w ith God to the valley with men; for­ getting th at she can do more for men in the valley if she lives with God on the mountain. Finally: A prem illennialist cannot co-operate w ith the plans of modem so­ cial service, for these plans contemplate many, many years of gradual improve­ ment through education as its main ave­ nue for operation until the goal of per­ fection is reached. When sin will be eliminated because men see a better and purer Way. When disease will cease because man has discovered and adm in­ istered a toxin to each disease germ. When sorrow and remorse will be dis­ pelled because each man, woman, and child is well clothed, well fed, well housed, and has plenty of fun. But,—how can we who have our feet on the “Impregnable Hock of Holy Scrip­ ture,” and hence see only one hope for a world driving on to an awful doom, throw away our God-given light and leave it in darkness? Why should we who have a message by which men are redeemed from sin, turn aside to min­ ister merely to th eir temporal needs? How can we, who have been ordained of God to pull men out of~ th e fire, leave them to suffer and burn in the flames of passion after we have given them a cup of water and a crust of bread? In the words of Jesus, we say, “These ought ye to have done and not leave the other undone.” KICHES PLUS RUIN. A man, being shown through th e mag­ nificent grounds of a rich man, said to the owner, “Well, my friend, all this and heaven would be noble; b u t th is and hell would be te rrib le .”

DR. LEWIS SPERRY CHAFER Noted author and Bible teacher, vjho will be one of the principal speakers at tbe July Bible Conference. STRANGLED TO DEATH The following words once spoken by Dr. Talmage are not at all out of place in these days. Said he: “There are clerks in stores and banks on limited salaries who, in the vain attem pt to k eep - the wardrobes of their families as showy . as other folks’ wardrobes, are dying of muffs, diamonds, camel hair shawls and high hats. They have nothing left ex­ cept what they give to cigars and wine suppers. They die before their time, and their families expect th e m inisters to preach about them as though they were victims of early piety. After a high- class funeral, with silver handles a t the sides of the coffin of extraordinary brightness, it will be found th a t the undertaker has been cheated out of his legitimate expense. Do not send me to preach the funeral sermon of a man who dies like that. I would blurt out the whole truth, and tell th a t he was strangled to death by his Wife’s ribbons.”

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