King's Business - 1921-08


Influencing P arochial Schools. F o r the benefit of the accommodating P ro testan ts of America, let us relate an incident which we learned on one of our visits, which will give you a Lfnle glimpse of the baneful influence of the parochial schools. A lad said to is, “ I used to go to th e school of th e priest, bu t the sisters did not teach us to read. They ta u g h t us to recite the rosary and told us we should go to con­ fess to th e p riest every Saturday and tak e our pennies to leave for the priest, and if we did not recite our prayers the sisters would slap our hands. The sis­ ters would tell us th a t th e people who w ent to o th er churches did not believe in God, bu t were devil worshipers.” This, of course, gave us a good chance to explain some things to th e boy, so we told him th a t he did not need to confess his sins to the p riest nor give him his money, because he is a deceiver and a liar. We believe in and worship God and confess our sins to Jesus only. I told him to do so too, and he said, “ I will not confess to a p riest any more because he is a liar, bu t I will confess to Jesus only.” The little fellow grasp­ ed w hat we said, and had a good deal more sense than many of his elders. A one-time devout worshiper of thè Virgin Mary had a large picture bef SHOP WORK M. H. Reynolds, Supt. As tim e goes by and th e work in the shops, th ere comes a g rsa t burden upon those who have th e work on th e ir h earts for prayer on behalf of the men who th rough the past years have been brought under th e influence

SPANISH WORK R obert H. Bender, Supt.

“Be not overcome of evil, b u t over­ come evil w ith good.” This tru th was exemplified in th e life of a young con­ v ert recently while he was working near a Rom anist who was ridiculing th e young man because he had accepted Christ as his Savior. A fter th e young man explained why he had accepted Christ, th e Romanist, as is th e ir custom, landed him a forceful argum ent w ith a blow upon his head, causing a cut an inch in length. A fter he had been tre a t­ ed a t the hospital, both appeared in court and th e judge hearing th e case asked th e convert w hat he w anted done, to which he replied, “Let th e law take its course.” The judge then fined the Romanist, bu t since the poor fellow had no money to pay his fine, th e converted young man said, “ I will pay for him ,” and w ith th a t handed th e judge a bill. The' judge, tak en greatly by surprise, said, “How is th is?” to which th e young man replied, “ I w ant to pay it for I haven’t anything against him in my h e a rt.” The poor Rom anist and the young convert left th e court-room friends. Someone will say th a t th is is wonderful to which we reply, “It-is the grace of God.” Will anyone say now th a t is isn’t worth while to give th e Gospel to these Mexicans? This young convert is anxious to re tu rn to his home in Mexico in order to give the Gospel, bu t we have urged him to w ait awnile and receive more instruction in God’s Word. He also has a younger brother who has accepted the Lord and he too is quite enthusiastic, since receiving Christ, and wants to go back home to carry the Good News to his home and countrymen. We are instructing them in the Word twice a week. The Lord has given us a half dozen young men who g ath er a- round us for Bible study, and ju st as these two b ro thers have signified th eir intention to ta k e the message of salva­ tion back to th e ir own people, so I be­ lieve th e others would gladly su rrend er th e ir lives for service.

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