King's Business - 1921-08

788 the message of th e afternoon and to the testimonies of Hebrew-Christians. At th e close of th e meeting th e speaker spoke to him of his personal relation to God, and again he bu rst out in abuse of Christians as he though t he understood them . I Before leaving th e room the w riter shooK hands w ith him and invit­ ed him home to dinner. He was quite taken aback a t th is for, as he afterw ard w rote to his people, he could hardly understand such people who, afte r be­ ing roundly abused for what he though t was th e ir h atred of Jews, tu rned around a n d invited him to tak e dinner w ith them. He then asked his correspond­ ent, “W hat kind of Christians are these, anyway?” Ju s t an Inv itation Card Did it. He accepted the inv itation to dinner and afterw ard opportunity was given to reason w ith him from th e Jew ish Scrip­ tures. Though he became excited once 01 *twice yet the objections he offered to Christianity .were carefully though t out and not merely given from th e stand ­ point of prejudice. He stayed un til a late hour th a t night, and though he did no t come to. a decision then, we felt sure th a t th e Spirit of God was striv­ ing m ightily w ith him and th a t it would

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S only be a m a tte r of tim e un til he would decide. He was given a New Testa­ ment, and as he afterw ard told us, he stayed up late a t n igh t reading it often. At th e next Jewish meeting afte r some evasion he adm itted th a t he had come to believe th a t Jesus Christ was his Messiah. On being pressed to accept Jesus as his Savior, he did so to our g reat joy. When asked to give a word of confession of faith to th e friends pres­ ent, he gladly responded. He said he would now do all in his power to per­ suade his four grown children to accept Christ, and th a t he would bear his te sti­ mony a t th e next Jew ish meeting. “Despise not the day of small th in g s!” . An invitation card and a kindly smile brought him to the meet­ ing and the resu lt was another brand snatched from the- burning. P raise God! ¿Mfc ^¡4.Kg

SEAMEN’S WORK Oscar Z imm ennann, Supt.

Ju st a year ago a palatial yacht ar­ rived at San Francisco w ith a party of distinguished visitors on board on their trip around th e world. The “Sapphire” lay out in the bay and we wondered

The Euodia Club (High School Girl«’ Bible Classes) Who Gathered for a Reunion and Banquet Recently in the Lyceum Club Room at the Institute.

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