King's Business - 1921-08



w hat could be done on a ship like th a t bearing Viscount and Lady Furness, Countess D.—% as well as captains and doctors. The p arty was ashore sight­ seeing most of th e time, and, afte r prayer, it was decided to leave a t least th e printed page on board. So a n ea t little package w ith a sho rt personal note was addressed and given to each one of the party soon leaving for England by way of th e P anam a Canal. It was th e best th a t could be done and w ith prayer we left everything to Him. We felt th a t as each one of th e p arty would read the le tte r, then open th e package and find th e Gospel in print, God could speak and would speak to each one. The trim vessel left, and during th e long trip th e testimony He placed th ere could not fail a t ’ th e very least to be w itnessing for Him. The yacht went to England, and th e re one of th e party, Lady F u rn ­ ess, th e wife of th e owner of the boat, became ill, was operated upon, and la t­ er went to th e shores of the Mediter­ ranean. She grew worse and finally died on board th e same yacht and then came th e sad scene, a bu rial service a t sea. A sho rt service and the body of one of the w ealthiest women of England was slowly lowered into th e sea. The worker does no t know w hether or not th e lady was a Christian. The good accomplished by th e books including the neat little Pocket T estam ents is not known, b u t a t least th is precious soul for whom Christ died, had the message and who could foresee th a t death should tak e away one of th e p arty in such a way SO' soon? This is w ritten th a t friends m ight pray th a t th e others of th e party may find th e peace th a t He alone can give. D istributing L ite ra tu re Pays. The distribution of literatu re has so often proved a wonderful help, and has so often been th e means of conversion th a t we look for definite resu lts rig h t along and are often cheered by th e out­ come. Often the books left are the means of awaking a soul to its need of Christ and often, too, God leads the worker in a wonderful way to some one receptive to th e Word or some one need­ ing help. On a Japanese freigh ter we m et one of the clerks whom we had met on th e same vessel in th e n o rth ern port a year ago. A fter a few m inutes con­ versation we found th a t he was not a Christian, b u t unusually responsive to th e Word, w anting to read th e verses

himself. He seemed very much in earn­ est and ready for th e tru th , and made a beautiful decision for Christ in th a t -little cabin. The worker offered him a copy of “ Calvary’s •Cross” in English, b u t looking a t th e book, he said th a t he had read it. Then it was discovered th a t th e man had received th is book a year ago on the same ship, and had been studying it as the Holy Spirit dealt w ith him. DR. FRENCH E. OLIVER’S WORK During Ja n u ary and F ebruary, 1912, Dr. Oliver conducted a Union Taberna­ cle Campaign in Butler, Pa. There were nearly 4500 decisions recorded. In April, 1921, a comm ittee of laymen headed by Mr. Templeton, one of the leading business men of B u tler and a convert of th e g reat campaign of 1912, and Mr. Charles T routm an, a capitalist of Butler,- organized the Evangelistic Conference. These men were greatly helped by Rev. Ketcham , pastor of th e first Bap­ tis t Church, a pastor who stands for sound doctrine and preaches w ith con­ viction and power to crowds a t every service in his church. The people of B u tler showed g reat in te rest in th e lectures on prophetic subjects. Dr. Oliver spoke on “W ar in Heaven,” “The Mark of th e Beast,” “The League of Nations a,nd Prophecy,” and “ Signs of th e Anti-christ.” The rem arkab le re­ sponse of young men and women to the call for life service was very gratifying. The people of B u tler are growing dis­ gusted w ith th e silly sentim entalism of some m inisterial “world fixers.” They are beginning to realizer th a t law, edu­ cation, invention, a rt, science, ethical eu ltu re and modern theology cannot tak e the place of the Blood shed on the cross of Calvary. Paonia, Colorado An Evangelistic Conference in Pao­ nia, Colorado, was conducted by Dr. Oliver for two weeks during May, 1921. The Methodist pastor, Rev. Mr. Weeks, gave public testimony th a t the Confer­ ence seemed specially held for his own benefit. A part from th e scores who accepted Christ, the definite life recruits were numerous, several of whom are coming to th e Bible In stitu te in Septem­ ber.

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