King's Business - 1921-08


Mr. Cheng asks for special prayer, (1 ), for him self and his colleagues. (2) For th e president of one of th e high schools, a Mr. Ou-Yang to whose enthus­ iastic efforts under God’s blessing these invitations are largely due. (3) For th e teachers and stud en ts of all these government schools. (4) For the school to which they were planning to go on th e following week. How many will join in these prayers? The S tudent Movement A few days la ter another le tte r came from Mr. Cheng giving most in teresting details of th is tru ly wonderful “S tudent Movement.” One afternoon a t two o’clock Mr. Ou Yang brought twenty-nine stud en ts to the h eadquarters of our Band, all dressed in th e ir school uni­ forms, and each boy carrying a flag, each flag having four beautifully w rit­ ten Chinese characters, the tran slation s of some of which are as follows:— “Come to Jesu s,” “ China for Christ,”

PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! H EN days ago we received a let­ ter from Mr. Cheng, leader of Biola Evangelistic Band No. 1, w ith four u rgen t requests for prayer. We desire to ta k e our friends a t home Into a real partnersh ip in th is most bless­ ed and m ighty form of service, hence th is letter. About a year ago we w rote of th e re­ markable open doors in th e government schools of Lung-Hwei Shih. The letter was printed in the October, 1920, num ­ ber of THE KING’S BUSINESS, bu t be­ fore the number was off the press civil w ar conditions became so serious th a t most of the residents fled and Band No. 1 had to take up work in another sec­ tion. When peace was restored the peo­ ple retu rn ed to th e ir homes, th e schools were reopened, and after th e Chinese New Year Mr. Cheng and his fellow- w orkers retu rn ed to Lung-Hwei Shih, and what a welcome they received! Lung-Hwei Shih is divided into four school districts, each district having a government high school and about twen­ ty p rim ary schools. China’s leaders and statesm en of to-morrow are th e boys in China’s schools of to-day, and so our h earts ju st th rilled w ith praise and hope as we read in Mr. Cheng’s letter th is stirrin g message:— “God has placed the schools of Lung-Hwei Shih com- 'pletely in our hands.’’ Over and over we read th a t sentence and a fire of inr tense longing burned in our h earts as we thought of th e wonderful possibili­ ties w ithin those open doors if only many of God’s children will accept Mr. Cheng’s challenge to PRAY! . PRAY! PRAY! PRAY !” Opportunity in Government Schools Each of th e four requests was for a very definite object. When Mr. Cheng began his le tte r he had already received' in v ita tio n s' from th ree of th e govern­ ment high schools to preach the Gospel to the students. He added a post­ script saying th a t an invitation had ju st come to hand from th e fou rth school. In view of this exceptional opportunity

Mr. F. S. Hwang, Leader of Band No. 8

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