King's Business - 1921-08


. T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

gone occasionally to a Gospel hall bu t had no t listened very atten tively and had no t given sufficient though t to the m atter, bu t now as he heard th e ir words he was fully determ ined to believe in Jesus. Who will join us in prayer for Mr. Ou-Yang and h is aged fath e r and for th e hundreds of students in th e gov­ ernm ent schools of Lung-Hwei Shih? And please do no t forget Mr. Cheng and th e evangelists in Band No. 1, and also th e leaders and w orkers of the other eight bands. “The Poor H ear th e Gospel” Biola Evangelistic Band No. 8 is working in a field widely separated from Band NO. 1 and the conditions are as different as the distance is great. Christ sent back to John as one of th e proofs of His Messiahship th e blessed fact th a t “The poor have th e Gospel preached to them ,” and th ere is no g reater joy on the mission field th an th a t of carrying the Good Tidings to the very poor, and th a t h as been th e privilege of th e earn­ est and devoted men of Band No. 8. Mr. Hwang th e leader w rites th a t the houses are so small and poorly fu rn ish ­ ed th a t our evangelists were unable to secure beds, b u t had to spread th e ir bedding on th e floor of th e ir little room. The grown-ups have no w inter gar­ ments, and th e children were w ithout trousers in th e severest w inter w eather, and yet, Mr. Hwang writes, it is m ar­ vellous how well and strong they are; sickness is almost unknown among them. They listen to the Gospel w ith most rem arkable earnestness, and one evening afte r Mr. Hwang had told them of two iftaces where th e people had raised money among themselves to ren t and furnish themselves a chapel, these dear people promptly decided to do the same, at once ’appointing a comm ittee 6f four of th eir most tru sted citizens and quickly raising enough money to ren t a small room and furnish it w ith simple benches so th a t they m ight have a place where they could g ath er to study the Bible and to unitedly worship God. One of th e g reat satisfactions and joys of th is method of evangelism is the fact th a t so m any' of the people among whom we* work learn to really love and study the Bible, and also learn th e power of prayer. Many R equests fo r B iola Evangelists Our bands are all engaged far ahead, and th e requests keep coming in. One m issionary w rites:— “My in te rest in your work is of th e kind th a t causes me

“ Quickly Repent,” T rue Salvation for a Nation.” The boys, led by Mr. Cheng and Mr. Ou-Yang, marched from 2 to 5: 30 P.M., singing as they marched. Fol­ lowing is a free tran slation of the chor­ us of th e ir song, sung to th e tun e of “Hold th e F o rt.” “ I am Jesus Christ’s tru e soldier, Jesus leads me on, And however fierce the battle, V ictory will he won.” Whenever they came to a temple courtyard or large residence they stop­ ped for a few moments and one of the p arty preached to th e people who quick­ ly gathered around them . Some n ear­ by villages were also included in th eir itinerary. Before they disbanded Mr. Ou-Yang said to th e stu d e n ts:— “Now go back to your homes and be sure to tell your fathers and mothers and other members of your fam ilies about this wonderful Gospel story, and th a t we in China cannot do w ithout th e religion of Jesu s.” Jesu s Meets th e Need Mr. Ou-Yang also w rote le tte rs to several teacher friends urging them to Invite our evangelists to th eir schools. He said in p art: “The religion of Christ ju st meets th e needs of our times. Jesu s is the supreme expression of love, He gave H imself as a sacrifice for men, He helps both th e v irtue and th e intel­ lect of our students. L ast year we. in­ vited these evangelists to come to our school and the benefits were great. The singing and preaching of these men were most helpful and they seem to pu t new life into our students. I urge you to invite them to your schools, I am sorry th a t it is not possible for me to visit you and personally lay th is m atter before you. I recommend th e Gospel to you.” P ra y fo r Mr. Ou-Yang This Mr. Ou-Yang was led to Christ during th e visit of Band No. 1 to Lung- Hwei Shih la st year. Shortly afterw ard s he went to his home and begged his father, a man of 86 years, to believe in Jesus, and when th e Band retu rned th is spring he was very eager to have some of th e men go to his home and talk w ith his father. This they gladly did and he received them most graciously and told them th a t since his son had told him th e Good News a year ago he had been ju st hungering and th irsting to meet them . He said th a t th irty years ago he was engaged in business in Shanghai and th a t while th ere he had

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