King's Business - 1921-08



to pray often for Its success. I th a n k God for th e work these bands are doing, and the kind of teaching you are doing in the school pleases me greatly. I know th a t many are w aiting now, b u t when it is possible to do so, please send a band for work on our circuit. I have four places, 15, 20, 25, and 30 miles in th e country, w ith g reat opportunities in the smaller villages, and shall be glad for ju st the help th a t a Biola Band can give. Please note my requ est.” Another m issionary w rites:— “As a l­ ready expressed in a previous letter, I would be very glad to have a band of your workers in our district. The doors all over are wide open, bu t we have only a few workers to p u t into th e field, and so I am calling like th e Macedonian to P aul in his vision, ‘Come over and help us’ as soon as possible.” We know th a t we are “praying ac­ cording .to H is will” w hen'w e “pray the Lord of th e H arvest to send fo rth lab­ orers into His harv est,” .and so we earn­ estly ask you to join us in prayer to God th a t He may make it possible for us to respond promptly to these u rg en t calls. T ruly yours in Christ, FRANK A KELLER , Changsha, Hunan, China. “Beware of the leaven of th e Pharisees and of the Sadducees and of Herod.”— Matthew 16:6; Mark 8:15. By combining these two texts we get th e full warning. The leaven of the Pharisees w as Formalism, which often degenerated into hypocrisy. The leaven of the Sadducees was Rationalism: they were the sceptics, and agnostics of the Jewish community. The leaven of the Herodians was Secularism, the spirit of the world, th a t especially caters to the powers th a t be, seeking worldly suprema­ cy and advantage. , This warning is one for all time, and is all-embracing. If there be any leaven th a t especially betrays the influence of th e flesh, it is Formalism and R itual­ ism, whereby one is lulled into a false se­ cu rity by an outw ard conform ity to reli­ gious rites and usages, while these are but the polite disguises of fleshly indul­ m THE THREEFOLD LEAVEN

gences and a carnal spirit. If in any leaven the subtlety of Satan is particu­ larly to be detected, it is in Rationalism, which questions and even denies revealed truth, and substitutes human reason for Divine revelation. And obviously what constitutes Secularism is the spirit of the World, w ith its honours and dignities, wealth and power—the great snare of spirituality. A. T. Pierson. m m WHAT PRATER DOES “I have planted, Apollos watered, BUT GOD GAVE THE INCREASE” (1 Cor. 3:6). “He th a t glorieth, LET HIM GLORY IN THE LORD” (1 Cor. 1:31). During the three years ending Decem­ ber 31, 1920, the Great Commission P rayer League sent out a total of 233,- 641 separate pieces of mail. Of these, 119,608 were bulletins and calls to pray­ er; 44,140 were packages carrying a total of over 4,000,000 leaflets; and 69,893 were outgoing letters. The number of incom­ ing letters was 39,585, and in these in­ coming letters a total of 69,312 souls were reported won to Christ, the League’s literatu re and prayers having been under God a factor. For every letter sent out from the P rayer League office during these three years, an average of about one soul was reported saved. These were the number DIRECTLY and voluntarily reported through correspondence. The League knows of multitudes of others INDI- REGTLY reported through personal in­ terviews and otherwise, not counting thousands in great evangelistic cam­ paigns. Many thousands of all the fore­ going were on prayer -lists, and were literally, so to speak, prayed into the kingdom—God graciously having given the increase in answer to prayer. THE GLORY IS ALL HIS. m Our Slogan—Every sub­ scriber out after another one M k

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