R estoration o f th e Temple I t is often asked if the prophecies of the rebuilding of the Temple have pros pect of immediate fulfillment. Noth ing h as yet developed th a t fulfills the requirem ents. The Mosque of Omar, center of Moslem worship, now stands on th e tem ple’s site, so it is a delicate problem. The Jews can hardly be ex pected to ta k e steps to resto re the tem ple on the chosen site un til they have a m ajo rity in Palestine. The Jews in Je r usalem , according to Dan. 9:27, will, during th e seventieth week of Daniel, rebuild the temple and will offer sacri fices in it, A New Word among Jews A new word has passed into the vo cabulary of Jews all over th e world. The “H aluzim” are th e Jewish pioneers who are flocking into P alestine to help in building up the Jew ish National Home which is to furnish a resting place for “ the tribe of the wandering foot and weary b reast” in the ancient land of th e ir fathers. Associations of“Ha- luzim” are being formed in all the large Jewish centres of E astern Europe, and they are preparing for th e ir work in P alestine by a severe train ing in every kind of manual labor. Fluency in spok en Hebrew is required of all who join, and candidates must be ' prepared to “ rough it.” Many of th e “Haluzim” disdain the use of beds and sleep on th e ground or on sacking. They go about bareheaded and pool all th eir re sources, restricting th eir needs to the minimum. The women work as hard as the men and look afte r the domestic affairs of each group. Large numbers
of these stalw art young Jews and Jew esses have had a university education, bu t they joyfully undertake th e most menial tasks. The S trongest Signs To th e stud en t of God’s word and ob server of cu rren t Jewish movements the following are the strongest signs of th e n ear coming of th e Lord Jesus Christ. F irst, th e terrib le persecution of th e Jews all over Europe. -Second, as an outcome of such persecutions the Jews are forced to look for a peaceful and safe abode in the promised land, a thing which th e Jews in general never desired before. Third, th e Balfour declaration, followed later by the man date of G reat B ritain, th rough which P alestine has already been given to the Jews as th e ir homeland. Now, all th is was done in accordance w ith th e Word of God in which the program for the Jews was laid down thousands of years ago. Ezek. 20:34 and 22:19 show very plainly th a t a regatherimg of th e Jews to Jerusalem m ust tak e place in a com pulsory way, th a t God’s w rath upon them will cause th em to em igrate from the various countries to Jerusalem . In the present b itter persecution to cer tainly hear the echo of Ezek. 20 and 22, which makes them w illing to en ter Jerusalem . The same passages of Scripture also expressly teach th a t th e ir resto ration under those condi tions will no t be for th e purpose of ease and prosperity, bu t for aw ful chas tisement, a featu re which is confirmed by Jer, 30:7, Zech. 14 and other proph ecies'.
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