King's Business - 1921-08



less cases w ith C h rist|a-T o rrey . Such is th e case of the n atu ra l man. He is born into this world a helpless sinner weight- ed w ith th e fallen n atu re of th e first man (Rom. 5 :12 ; 7 :1 8 ).— Cook. v. 9. Perceiving he had faith . God will no t disappoint th e desires th a t are of His own kindling nor the hopes of His own raising .s-H en ry . The m an’s h e a rt shone out in his voice and th e Spirit w ithin the apostle recognized th a t here was a fit object to be made by ni& cure a sign unto th e men of Lystra.^-J < Lumby. W hat quick insight God gives th e soul th a t lives in fellowship with Him.tíí-Meyer. v. 10. S tand up righ t. There were no “ trea tm e n ts”— ju st a look, a word, and then a perfect and not an imagin­ ary cure. How unlike th is case was to those of which Christian Scientists boast, where th e re is an imaginary cure (th a t is, all in your “m ind” ) of an imag­ inary disease (which is all in “m ortal though t” ), bu t for which real money is charged (which is not merely in th e mind bu t in the hand of th e practition ­ e r). Here th e re was a real cure of an unm istakable lameness and no money asked. P aul did not attem p t to heál every lame man he met, b u t God direct­ ed his atten tion to th is man and gave him to see th a t he had faith to be heal­ ed.— Torrey. He leaped and walked. If one’s .spiritual lameness has been cured, they will manifest it by a holy exultation and walk.— McNeil. A loud voice. The only tim e the healing word was thu s spoken. How unlike the sneaking ways by which deceivers work th e ir wonders (Isa. 8:19; 4 5 :1 9 ).—-Sel. v. 11. The speech of Lycaonia. This explains why th e apostles did not pro­ te st against the proposals a t th e time. They appear to have gone home in en­ tire ignorance of the construction which th e people had placed upon th e miracle. /’C —Dummelow. Gods are come down. T h at conviction which shot through th e crowd reveals how deep lies th e longing for the m anifestation of divinity in the form of hum anity and how n atu ra l It is to believe th a t if th e re is a divine Being He is su re to come near to men and th a t in our own likeness. The Word did “be come flesh and dwell among us.”-—Mac- laren. That which was a superstition and for which th e whole creation groan­ ed, became a reality at Bethlehem .— Wilkinson. v.12. Called B arnabas Ju p iter. Ju p ­ iter, th e fath e r of th e gods, from his

When Stephen was stoned, P aul was a w itness, and n o doubt th rough Ste­ phen’s death he was prepared to accept Christ. P aul is stoned and Timothy is a w itness and when P aul retu rn s to Lys- tra becomes a disciple. - (Acts 16:1, 2; II Tim. 3:11 ) P aul could say when they sought to worship him, “These things do not move me,” and when they stoned him he could say, “None of these th ing s move me.” He arose from his deathbed outside of Lystra to ta k e up the work of preach­ ing the Gospel. Continuing in the faith himself, he could urge his disciples to like faithfulness. T rials and trib u la­ tions beset his pathway, bu t they were stepping stones to higher service.. There is need of th is heroic faith which can say, “Though they slay me, yet will I tru s t H im .” PRACTICAL POINTS (1 ) The proof of a pure Gospel is found in opposition as well as in con­ version. (2) Poes become friends when oppos­ ing th e tru th . (3) Christ came to cure cripples. (4) The n atu ra l h ea rt w alks and wor­ ships by sight. (5 ) -The tru e messenger of God gives his Master the glory. (6) Through trials and tribulations we go through the gate to glory. (7 ) Those who one day praise, may the next day persecute. (8) The faith of the faith fu l is firmly fixed upon th e unfailing Word of God. K b I d k v. 8. Im potent in Ms feet. A mi­ raculous cure by P eter and John in chapter 3:2 introduces th e Gospel a- mong th e Jews as a m iraculous cure here by P aul in- COMMENTS FROM t r o d u c e s i t MANY SOURCES among Gentiles. •K eith L. Brooks Both cases teach the h o p e l e s s sp iritu al lameness of men and th eir need- of Christ (Rom. 5 :6 ).— Sel. F rom h is m o ther’s womb. The case was be­ yond man’s skill, b u t th ere are no hope­

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