King's Business - 1921-08



see them sometimes sitting rig h t down on th e sidewalk. Then again we see them wheeled about

while he was preaching, because the man seemed so interested and' never took his eyes off from Paul. P aul could see by the way lie looked and listened th a t he believed th e words he was preaching. Then w hat do you th ink P aul did? He spoke to th e man in a loud voice, and told him to stand up on his feet. The people all looked so sur­ prised w h e n .they heai;d P aul ask th e man to stand up, for they knew he was always a cripple, hu t while th ey were wondering w hat yP aul meant, th e man leaped to his feet and walked rig h t be­ fore them all. My, how happy th is man must have been when he found he could use his feet and limbs like other folks and walk. When th e people saw th e crippled man walk, they cried out and said P aul and Barnabas were gods come down from heaven, looking like men, and they called P aul and Barnabas, J u ­ p iter and Mercury, which were the names of th e ir idols, for these people to whom P aul was preaching, worshiped idols, and P aul was telling them about Jesus, th e tru e God- Then th e people took some oxen, covered them w ith flow­ ers, and were going to sacrifice th e oxen to th e apostles, in th e same way th a t they sacrificed them to th e ir idols. Paul and Barnabas rushed in among th e peo­ ple and told them they were ju st men like themselves, and had come to tell th em of Jesus, and to show them th a t th e idols had no life and could not help them . He told them how God could help them , and th a t it was He who sent them rain and sunshine, and made th e earth to bring fo rth fru it, so th a t all men m ight have fopd to eat and he glad. W hat Paul -told these people is w hat we must always remember too, th ere is ju st one tru e God, Jesus, and we must give all praise and thank s to Him. F o r th e Lord is great, and greatly to be praised. I t was God who healed th e lame man and caused him to walk. Healing the man would show to these people how helpless th e ir idols were.


in wheel chairs, and often we see little boys and girls who are crippled and can­ not walk. Did you ever stop and th ink what it would mean if you were a crip­ ple and could no t walk? You could never ru n and play like other hoys and girls, b u t would have to sit in a chair all day long, and could never go any place or move about unless someone took you. How th an k fu l we should he for our strong, sound limbs th a t carry us about wherever we wish to go, and make it possible for us to join in all the games w ith others and have so many good times. You know, hoys and girls, whenever I see a cripple, I always feel so th ank fu l to God for my well body and strong limbs th a t carry me about. Let us bow our heads now and th a n k God for these wonderful blessings. Lesson Story.—W hat a wonderfully good tim e we have been having th e past few weeks in hearing about P aul and his g reat work for Jesus. You remember the beautiful sto ry la st week, and Hel­ en and Jam es were sick and could not be w ith us, so I w ant some one to tell us about it so they can h ear too of the g reat work P aul did. All righ t, Charles, you may tell us. Now to-day we have another, such an in teresting story about a crippled man th a t h eard P au l preach. This man had been a cripple all his life and had never been able to walk. He never had any good tim es like other hoys while he was growing up, for of course he could no t use his feet vand limbs and had to sit and watch the eth er hoys and girls as they played. Now he is a grown man, and we know how sad he would feel to know th a t he could never help very much in th e world. Now th is man sa t near to th e place where P aul was preaching, and heard him speak. P aul noticed th is crippled man


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