King's Business - 1921-08



must have been a disappointm ent to the apostles to find bu t an insignificant door open to them. . Out of doors, w ith a few women, th e first work began. Lydia heard th e Gos­ pel. God uses hum an agencies, “F aith cometh by hearing ” (R om .l0 :1 0 ). There must be ligh t before th ere can be life. The words of testim ony touched her and silently bu t quickly th e door of her h ea rt opened to the tru th . When the door was open, th e Spirit of God went in and took possession. God had a new dwelling place among the heathen. Lydia confessed her Lord by being baptized into His name and opening her 1 ome to th e missionaries. The first convert in Europe was a woman. The Gospel -of Christ has changed th e char­ acter of th e life of womankind, lifting her. from a life of thralldom and serv­ itud e to a sphere in which she has been able to glorify God through pure, tru e womanhood. She has been the faithful, untiring friend and helper in the spread of the Gospel and in the ex­ emplification of its power to save from sin and to keep in peace and quietness. (5 ). The Curing of th e Slave Girl, “A certain maid.” Here we have a study in demonology. When God works, th e devil works also (Job 1:6, 7 ). When God’s power is manifested through His servants, Sat­ an ’s activity is displayed through his servants. P aul was in th e devil’s te rri­ tory and th e invasion was hotly con­ tested. Nothing so arouses the an tag ­ onism ofvSatan as aggressive Christian work. Every faith fu l worker should recognize th is fact. When th ere is no opposition we may be sure th a t th e re is “ little doing.” In th e present dispen­ sation Satanic agency is more manifest­ ed in the delusions in the m inds of men th a n in the grosser forms of sin. This is the dispensation of the Holy Spirit and His w ork is to reveal the mini! of God. Satan opposes Him by tak ing possession of th e minds of men, and

The appearance of the figure is th a t of a man, not a soldier, an artist, a p riest; not a m erchant calling for cus­ tom ers; not a teacher calling for pupils; not a devotee of pleasure calling for fol­ lowers, bu t a blind, man calling for ligh t; a lost soul calling for a Saviour. The vision is suggestive. The man is the embodiment of heathendom . He stands for the unevangelized masses. The call is to the Church of God of which P aul is a representative. Help is needed. The call comes to one who has been ’called through a vision and Qualified by the Spirit of God. The vision comes in the night, which is suggestive of darkness and sin, for out of the n igh t of th e ir deep need do the lost cry for help. The vision is also symbolic. I t re­ p rese n ts a needy world. It is the in ar­ ticu late cry of hum anity w ithout th e Gospel. “ Come over and help u s!” To such as have a sp iritu al vision there comes the cry from every section. Moth­ ers cry, “ Come and save our boys!” Wives cry, “Come and save our hus­ band s!” Children cry, “Come and save our p are n ts!” From th e world comes th e cry, “ Come and save our souls!” The command of th e departed Lord is, “ Go!” The cry of the needy world, “Come!” . W hat is the m a tte r w ith th e Church of God? Can it be th a t men and women, saved by His grace, and made p artak ers of th e heavenly calling, can be so oc­ cupied w ith the things of this world th a t they have no eye for th e vision, and no ear for the call? (3) The Conversion of Lydia, “A cer­ tain woman.” The vision was intelligible to Paul and Silas and they immediately took passage for Samothracia. The chief city of th a t p art of Macedonia was Phil­ ippi. Here th ere were Jews, bu t no synagogue. A little company of women gathered for prayer by th e riverside, probably in some enclosed place. It

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