King's Business - 1921-08



strangely they have been led by ways which have been full of mercy and good­ ness.— Exp. Bible. v. 7. The Spirit suffered them not. Sometimes we need th e Sp irit’s guid­ ance to keep us from preaching.—Aid- rich. v. 9. A m an of Macedonia. The in­ troduction of Christianity into th e con­ tin en t where it was destined t o win its chief trium phs is fitly prepared for by a special revelation.— Dummelow. Come over. It is the du ty of th e Church of Christ to respond to th e cry of heathen nations. Reason and equity say we should send to others th a t which we ourselves received from others.— Bogue. There are calls of the same kind con ­ tinually made upon Christian people, which we need no vision to remind us of, because they are a reality w ith which we are acquainted and because we have Christ’s commission to preach to all nations.—Day. v. 10. Assuredly gathering. L iter­ ally “laying things tog ether.” They set various facts side by side, and so they came to understand w hat the vi­ sion meant. W hat a significant little group it was. Silas, from Jerusalem ; Timothy, half a Gentile; Luke, alto­ g ether a Gentile; and Paul. These four shook th e world.—Maclaren. v. 11. A straig h t course. - Lose no tim e in getting to the place where God is calling you.— Parsons. v. 13. By a riv er side. The g reat­ est victories of th e Cross have been gained in outdoor meetings.— Garry. The conversion of Europe began here, w ith a handful of praying women.— Haldeman. P ra y er w as wont to be made. Those who would devote them ­ selves to prayer should w ithdraw from- both the world’s bustle and its super­ stition and sin (Matt. 6 :6 0 ). P rayer may be offered anywhere. If Chris­ tians, for any reason, cannot obtain com­ fortable places to worship, rath e r than not worship a t all they should betake themselves to the river banks, hillsides, or even th e caves of th e earth'.'—Day. Women reso rted th ith er. We wonder if P aul looked for th e man he had seen in his vision. There was no man pres­ ent.— Gaebelein. Considering how lit­ tle regard the Jews had for women as persons to be conversed w ith and taugh t, t is noteworthy how large a p art wom­ en play in th e Gospel history.—-Plum ­ mer. W hat woman h as and shall have

giving revelations in opposition to the Spirit. The Scripture is full of 'warn­ ings against the artifices of evil spirits, b u t th e devil uses th e professors in our. schools to explain these m anifestations upon philosophical and metaphysical grounds. We are not sure concerning the origin of demons, b u t we know th a t they exist. If th e Lord has a woman like Lydia whose h e a rt is opened to the tru th , the devil has his counterfeit, whose h eart lve has filled. She is a poor victim of sin, possessed of an evil spirit, for in v. 18 P au l commands th e evil sp irit to come out of her. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) No man is g reater th an his vi ,ion of th e possible. (2) The Holy Spirit both restrain s and constrains. (3) The leading of th e Spirit will be into lanes of service. (4) We need Spirit-touched eyes to see th e man in need; Spirit-touched ears to h e a r his cry,, and SpiraMouched h earts to respond. (5) Demons are wiser th an some col­ lege professors, for they certify to th e tru th . (6 ) F o rtify against demons by having the fulness of th e Spirit. v. 6. Forbidden of th e Holy Ghost., God guides us as certainly by a closed door as by an open door. If we believe in a living God a t all, we must believe th a t He compass- COMMENTS FROM eth our path and MANY SOURCES our lying down K eith L. B rooks and is acquaint­ ed w ith all our ways. The steps (and stops) of a good man are ordered of the Lord.— F arr. Every sincere and earnest follower of Christ has experienced somewhat of th e same mystical blessings. God’s tru ­ est servants commit th e ir lives and ac­ tions in devout prayer to the guidance of the heavenly F ath e r and th en When they*look back over th e past, they see how marvellously they have been re­ strained from courses which would have been fra u g h t w ith evil, and how

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