King's Business - 1921-08



Paul had the same sp irit in Rom. 1:14, 15; Rom. 15:18-25;' Phil. 1:12-21. A Testimony to Missions—The Sermon Illu stra to r in 1894 printed th is sta te­ ment, “Not many decades ago Hawaii was worth nothing for commerce. It row purchases $6, 000,000 of merchan­ dise per annum and exports twice th a t value. This, represents its American trad e only. Sixty years back th e peo­ ple were the lowest of th e low cannibals. To-day Hawaii is more Christian than New England. Over sixty per cent of th e population may be found any Sum day in native churches. There is not a native who cannot read and w rite. The ratio of attendance upon th e public schools is larg er th a n it is in Illinois. All th is is the resu lt of m issionary ef­ fo rt.” P au l's Missionary Motive— “Dr Bonar once had a dream th a t th e angels took his zeal and weighed it. It was full weight, plump 100%. He was much pleased. B u t then they began to ana­ lyze it in various ways, and found 14 p arts were selfishness; 15 parts, sect­ arianism ; 22 parts, am bition; and but 3 parts, pure love for man, and 4 parts, love for God, etc. He was g reatly con­ cerned th a t b u t 7 p arts in 100 were purely good.”— Moody. Golden Text Illu stratio n— Thorwaldsen, the g reat sculptor, was told th a t th ere was a dispute about th e place and tim e of his b irth , some saying he was born in Copenhagen in 1770, others, in B rus­ sels, and so on. He was asked to set­ tle th e question. “W hat m atters it? ” he asked, “ I don’t know, b u t I arrived in Rome on March 8, 1797.” His mean­ ing was th a t no t un til he came to Rome and began his studies th ere did he real­ ly begin to live. Not until we believe in Jesus do we begin to live. “Well, Jack, old fellow ;” said one who m et a man who had lately joined th e church, “ I hear you have given up all your pleasures.” “No! N o!” said th e friend, “ the fact lies all th e other way.

I have ju st found all my pleasures, and have only given up all my follies.”

A W onderful Dream . Acts 16:6-15. Memory Verse-— "Come over into Macedonia, and help us.” ' Acts 16:9. Approach.— It will add in terest and help the little folks to understand- this lesson, if th e movements of P aul are pictured in the sand table, as it will make it véry clear BEGINNERS how the Gospel was AND PRIMARY carried over into Mabel L. Merrill another country a- • cross the sea. To th e older prim ary children, explain th a t because P aul obeyed th e call into Mace­ donia to take the story of Jesus, we have th e Gospel and were not left as some of th e o ther p arts of th e world, who do no t know anything about Jesus and His love. How thank fu l we should be th a t P au l was a tru e m issionary apd was willing to go into any p a rt of th e world where God called him. P rayer. Besson Story.— In our sto ry last week we learned how P aul w ith his helpers visited-many of- th e places where he had been before. Our story for to-day be­ gins w ith P aul in a city near th e sea, and it was n igh t time. Did you ever have a dream? And it ju st seemed like w hat you had dreamed really was true, didn’t it? Now th is night P aul had a dream or a vision, in which he saw a man from Macedonia, begging him to come over to th e country where he liv­ ed and help him and his people. Mace­ donia was a country over on the other side of th e sea. Now P aul knew th a t God was telling him in th is way, th a t he (P au l) was to go over across the sea into this country of Macedonia, and tell the people th ere about Jesus, and how He loved them and wanted them to know Him and be saved. These people over in th is new country were heathen people, and did not know anything about Jesus. So P aul and some of his help-

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