King's Business - 1921-08



voyage across the sea, stopping a t sev­ eral places before they arrived a t Phil- . ippi where they remained for a while, for th is was th e chief city of th a t p art of th e country. When Sunday came P au l and his helpers w ent a little way out of the ity to a place by th e side of a river, Where the people used to meet to pray; and they sa t down and talked w ith th e women who came there. One of th e women who heard P aul speak, was a seller of purple cloth, whose name was Lydia. Then the Lord sent His Spirit into her h eart, so she believed in Jesus, and all. h er family w ith her. When she and h er family had been baptized, she went to Paul and his friends, and said to them , th a t if they though t she was now a believer in Jesus, for them to come and stay in th e ir home, and finally P aul and his helpers w ent and stayed in th e home of Lydia. We know as Lydia would go about among th e people selling h er purple goods, she would tell th e people about Jesus, whom she now knew. Be­ cause P au l was a tru e m issionary and went over into th e country of Macedonia, which is a p a rt of th e world known as Europe to ­ day, we have heard of Jesus. Suppose P au l ha-d not obeyed God’s call to go and te ll those people of Jesus and His

then people, no t know ing anything a- bout Jesus. Let us say our memory verse. “Come over into Macedonia and help us.” T h at means to tell the story of Jesus to all who do not know it. How many of you know boys and girls who do not go to Sunday School, and do not know Jesus? J u st see, every hand is up. My, th a t means we must get busy and go afte r those' boys and girls and try and get them to come to Sunday School w ith us. L et us be re a l mis­ sionaries like Paul, 'and te ll them th e story of Jesus. Closing P rayer.||j-D ear Lord Jesus, we th a n k Thee for sending P aul to preach Jesus to th e people so long ago, and help us to go to others to-day and tell them of Jesus. H BLACKBOARD SKETCHES B y E m H ansell AUGUST 28 , 1921 FROM ASIA TO EUROPE. Acts 16 :6 -, 18 I. P au l in Asia. vs. 6-8. DRAW explaining th a t P au l was anxious to preach th e Word bu t was seeking di­ rection from the Lord. II. The call to Macedonia, vs.' 8-12. DRAW explaining th e passage. III. Work in Europe vs. 13-18. DRAW explaining th e passage. Conclusion: If we are in th e hands of th e Lord our work for Him will be successful.

SEPTEMBER 4 , 1921 FROM PHILIPPI TO ATHENS. Golden Text.— The angel of th e Lord encampeth round about them th a t fear him, and delivereth them . Psa. 34:7. LESSON TEXT Acts 1(5:19-34. (Read I and II Thessalonians.) (19) A nd w h en h e r m a s te rs sa w a n d d re w th e m in to th e m a rk e tp la c e th a t th e h o p e of th e ir g a in s w a s u n to th e ru le r, (20) A nd b ro u g h t go n e, th e y c a u g h t P a u l a n d S ilas, th e m to th e m a g is tra te s , sa y in g .

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