King's Business - 1921-08



sketch of the Jewish people, we fail to see where it can be applied. When Henry F ord started his articles against th e Jews, it certainly could not be said of them th a t they “ opened not th eir mouths.” The fact is, the Jews have always been hypersensitive people, un­ able to bear criticism or correction, w rithing when found fau lt w ith 'an d re­ tu rn ing sharp answers to those w ith whom they do not agree. Isaiah 53 can be applied to bu t one man we know of, and th a t is th e Lamb of God. Speaking of th e un fair treatm en t m et­ ed out to certain orthodox m inisters by higher critics who have voted them unceremoniously out of th e associations for preaching the old time Bible doc­ trines, a w riter in th e Biblical Record­ er says: “We speak of w hat we have experienced and witnessed in 25 years, and we Say th a t th ere is not a P ro test­ a n t in the hands of a ju ry of Papists who could get less of fair trea tm e n t than a loyal evangelical m inister will to-day receive a t the hands of th e trium ph an t modernist. We say deliberately th a t th ere is not a w harf laborer or a jockey who would no t command among his peers a fairer show.” Henry Ford has done something for m issionary work in China a t any rate. The following is from a recent le tte r from Reuben Torrey, Jr. of Tsinanfu, China: “The introduction of th e Ford was watched w ith g reat in te rest and a good deal of skepticism. It has, how­ ever, proved a thorough success from every standpoint. It has now been operating in all kinds of w eather, over all sorts of roads, for eight consecutive months. Even during the weeks of un­ usual snow and thaw during the past W in ter it bumped and lurched and splashed its way over frozen and melted roads, up steep banks, across fields, and through seas of mud. It kept going when other means . of country travel were impossible and only once was it necessary to borrow a passing mule to be draw n out of an oozy mud hole. A trip th a t form erly required a full day of steady pushing can be made in from two to th ree hours. Untold streng th is con­ served for the work in hand. A num ­ ber of helpers and Christians Can be carried along to preach to th e inevitable crowd th a t g athers wherever th e ma­ chine stops. On arriv al a t a village to make a pastoral call th e curious flock around th e car and leave th e mission­ ary free to have the desired quiet and

personal visit w ith th e Christians.” I t is in teresting to note th a t the Gid- eon organization of Pennsylvania have handed the higher critics a warm re­ buke in the recent public rejection of th e advertising of certain books pub­ lished by the Methodist Book Concern (Abingdon P ress). Through an over­ sight, one such advertisem ent did ap­ pear in the Gideon magazine, bu t by action of the S tate association, resolu­ tions were, promptly published explain­ ing the m atter. The following statem ents appear in the resolutions: “Resolved T h at we recommend th a t all advertisers of books in our National Gideon Maga­ zine shall be required to furnish guar- antee th a t the books advertised are ab­ solutely orthodox and untainted with higher criticism. Resolved, T hat we deplore the fact th a t th e g reat publish­ ing house here mentioned is in charge of men w illing to assassinate the church they rep resen t by publishing semi-infi- del literatu re. It is our belief th a t g reat p eril confronts this g reat church by perm itting these authors, book edi­ tors and publishing agents to rem ain in charge of Christian institutions. Re- soived, T hat this resolution be published n our National Gideon Magazine and in church papers.” , AN INFIDEL ’S REBUKE In a conversation between a church member and an infidel, the infidel ob­ served to his friend, th a t they might as well drop the subject of conversation; for, ’ said he, “I do not believe a single word you say. And, more than this, I am satisfied th at you do not really believe it yourself; for, to my certain knowledge, you have not given, for the last twenty years, as much for th e spread of Chris- tianity-^-such as the building of churches, foreign and domestic missions—as your last Durham cow cost. Why, sir, if I be­ lieved the one-half of what you say you believe, I would make the church my rule for giving, and my farm the excep­ tion.”

One of the most needful arts is to know when to accomplish most by doing noth­ ing.

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