King's Business - 1921-08



Biola Book Room

O rd er Books From

SHOULD OUR SCHOOLS BE INVESTI­ GATED? Rev. Charles H illman Foun tain of Plainfield, New Jersey, has ju st publish­ ed a very valuable discussion entitled “The Denom inational Situation— Should Our Schools Be Investigated?” The booklet is for sale a t 25 cents and should be widely read. It has to do especially w ith the B aptist denom ina­ tion bu t applies equally to other de­ nom inations a t th is time. Read this littlè book. You will be in terested in th e situation he sets forth. A'c.' .s1^. DILEMMA OF LIBERALISM Does not a Christian m inister who ac­ cepts thè new theology find himself in a dilemma? Modern religious liberalism has no answer to the questions th at lie a t the foundation of th e Christian reli­ gion. The new theology does not know What to do with sin. It has no message of salvation for the despairing sinner. It does not have a God who really answers prayer. It stands for agnosticism re­ garding the future life. Unless the mod­ ernized m inister has an elastic con­ science and has learned the a rt of dis­ simulation, he has, a t the open grave, only words of mock comfort such as Rob­ ert G. Ingersoll had at the grave of his father. God pity the preacher who .is supposed to have a. vital religious mes­ sage of eternal truth, but has in fact only non-essential, secondary, unfounded human suppositions to present, while leaving the people under the impression th a t he has something sim ilar to the Christian message. Is it any wonder that “many of the most enterprising and devoted men turn away from the Chris­ tian m inistry” when they accept the new theology?—John Horsch.

EARNESTS OF THE COMING AGE A new book comprising some of the more recent sermons of th e late- A. B. Simpson has ju st been issued b,y the Christian Alliance. This contains some very tim ely m aterial on such topics as E arnests of the Coming Age; Evolution or Revolution; Sin and its Remedy; Heights and Depths of P rayer; and many o th er helpful chapters. We do not in every detail agree w ith his chapter on Divine Healing bu t th e book as a whole will be greatly appreciated- ($1.50) We w ant to commend to Sunday school w orkers two booklets th a t have ju st come to our desk from the Meigs Publishing Co. of Indianapolis, Ind. One of these booklets is en titled : “ Out­ line Chalk Talks” by P au l E. Holdcraft. This contains 64 pages of illu stration s to be used on the blackboard, covering in teresting and helpful themes. The other booklet is on “ P aper T earing” by ,L. O. Brown, explaining th e a r t of fold­ ing and cutting paper of objects, ani­ mals, insects, birds," fish, people etc., by means o f-w h ich the teacher of little folks may hold th e in te rest of the children while giving a sp iritual lesson. F o r instance, tearing the paper in the shape of a sword, giving th e appro­ p riate Scripture reference, showing how th e Bible is th e sword of the Spirit. Or a crown, speaking of th e crown of life, th e crown of love, the crown of glory, etc. We heartily commend these book­ lets. DAILY MANNA This is not “ ju st ano th er daily text book” b u t something of unique charac­ te r as m ight be expected from th e pen of Jam es - G ilchrist Lawson. Every g reat promise and precept in th e Scrip­ tu res is given in its proper alphabetical order accompanied by an. appropriate stanza from a fam iliar hymn. The key words in each quotation are empha­ sized by being printed in a distinctive type. A ltogether it is a most complete and helpful guide and companion for th e Quiet Hour. ($1.50) OUTLINE CHALK TALKS PAPER TEARING

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