King's Business - 1921-08


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T is n o t generally understood th a t Satan is in the “ ch aracter building” business. He is not 1especially determ ined on mak­

example is a worthless th ing to a dead man. They who have not been saved by faith in the Blood of Jesus are dead, in trespasses and sins. Examples are use­ less to such, and yet m ultitudes are be­ fooled into moving thé limbs of th eir n atu ra l bodies afte r the p attern of rig h t­ eousness and thinking th a t is salvation and the dem onstration of it. The example of Christ is of value after life has come from faith in the Blood of His cross, and the saved person does well to cultivate being Christlike in all m anner of life. To such is addressed tlze exhortation: “Work out your own salvation w ith fear and trem bling.” The fear of th e sinner is his awful doom of hell. The | fear of the Christian, here stated as calculated to make him trem ­ ble at the responsibility, is lest he fail properly to dem onstrate by outward works the salvation he has received by grace.—Wm. M. ‘ Smith. ALL ISN ’T HONEY THAT__ E rro r is a thing th a t does not always discover itself to the first view; It is often fair as well as deceitful; and therefore th a t understanding th a t will sell its assent to first appearances is in danger of th e snare of m istaking an imposture for an oracle. An erro r may look specious in a principle, which will betray ugliness enough in the consequences. It may be honey in th e ’ mouth, and wormwood in th e belly; delicious to th e first apprehen­ sions, but found destructive upon afte r inquiry and experiment.— Dr. South. M Don’t let this magazine die. Pass it along.

ing people bad, for men do not need to be “ bad” in order to lose th eir souls. H is fight is against Jesus Christ and His salvation, and S atan ’s most successful weapon is some form of su stitu te religion V;hereby he dupes foolish men to “ cult­ ivate Christian graces,” to “ live for the best th a t is in them ,” “ to follow Jesus,” •and th e like. His plan is salvation by character. While th e Bible plan is character by salvation. As to “ character building” did you e” er see anyone who had gotten his char­ acter bu ilt and the capstone put on? Well, if salvation is by character, wh?n will the character builder ever get sal­ vation? B u t if character is by salva­ tion, and salvation is in stan tly obtain­ able by faith in Jesus Christ, w hat a blessed advantage th ere is in th e Bible way! Why will men be such dupes? They had ra th e r train and train , and re­ solve and resolve, and do and do, and give and give, and sacrifice and sacrifice, th an to come to Jesus and get salvation free by faith in His finished work of Cal­ vary. Oh, if a man can only retain a little of his own righteousness, and nelp th e Lord out in his salvation, so he can have something whereof to boast! But, no, God has no use for such filthy rags. If He should adm it m an’s righteousness as a partial means of his salvation, the heavenly robe of- righteousness would wear a striped patch cut bias and sewed on w ith black thread. Christ is th e sinner’s Saviour, the re­ generated person’s Sanctifier, the sancti­ fied person’s Example and Keeper. An

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