CARELESS CHRISTIANS Dr. G. Frederick W right’s new book, “Story of My Life and Works,” tells this story of Charles G. Finney. In his ser mon, “Sins o f a Seared Conscience,” wherein one of th e sins enumerated was th at of borrowing tools and not returning them, it is said th a t Finney stood up in the Old Oberlin meeting-house before his neighbors and fellow-professors and preached thus: “When I went to my tool-house yesterday with the men on hand to do my work I found it prac tically empty. P resident Mahan had bor rowed my plow and never sent it back. Professor Morgan had sent for my spade and I don’t know where it is. Deacon Beecher has had a monkey wrench for so long a time th a t the memory of man can not recall how long ago it was. What does it mean that among the best of us there is such a carelessness concerning our fundamental obligations?” And the sermon was effective. The next morn ing before rosy-fingered dawn peeked over the prairie, one conscience-stricken neighbor, attempting to restore a saw horse which belonged to Dr. Finney, was attacked by the Finney watch dog and had to be rescued, and all the re st of the morning there was a stream of neighbors’ boys bearing borrowed tools, only part of which could Dr. Finney recognize as his property. BEWARE THE DWARF There is an Indian story of a morsel of a dwarf, who asked the king to give him all the ground he could cover with three strides. The king, seeing him so small, said, “Certainly;” whereupon the dwarf suddenly shot up into a tremend ous giant, covered all the land w ith the first stride, all the water w ith the sec ond, and with the third knocked the king down, and took his throne. This is the story of a little sin nourished in the h eart of a Christian. Think it over. ■iB-Rev. Jam es Bolton.
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CHRISTIANS ONLY IN HEAVEN John Wesley once, in the visions of the night, found himself, as he thought, at the gates of hell. He knocked, and ask ed who were within. “Are there any Roman Catholics here?” he asked. “Yes,” was the answer; “ a great many.” “Any Chureh-of-England men?” “Yes; a great many.” “Any Presbyterians?” “Yes; a great many.” “Any Wesleyans here?” “Yes, a g reat many.” Disappointed and dismayed, especially a t the last reply, he turned his step upward, and found himself at the gates of paradise; and here he repeated the same questions. “Any Wesleyans here?” “No.” “Any Presby terian s?” “No.” “Any Church-of-Eng- land men?” “No.” “Any Roman Catho lics?” ‘No.” “Whom have you, then, here?” he asked in astonishment. “We know nothing here,” was the reply, “of any of those names th a t you have men tioned. The only name of which we know anything here is ‘Christian.’ We are all Christians here; and of these we have a great multitude, which no man can number, of all nations and kindreds and peoples-and tongues.”
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