King's Business - 1921-08



CARELESS CHRISTIANS Dr. G. Frederick W right’s new book, “Story of My Life and Works,” tells this story of Charles G. Finney. In his ser­ mon, “Sins o f a Seared Conscience,” wherein one of th e sins enumerated was th at of borrowing tools and not returning them, it is said th a t Finney stood up in the Old Oberlin meeting-house before his neighbors and fellow-professors and preached thus: “When I went to my tool-house yesterday with the men on hand to do my work I found it prac­ tically empty. P resident Mahan had bor­ rowed my plow and never sent it back. Professor Morgan had sent for my spade and I don’t know where it is. Deacon Beecher has had a monkey wrench for so long a time th a t the memory of man can­ not recall how long ago it was. What does it mean that among the best of us there is such a carelessness concerning our fundamental obligations?” And the sermon was effective. The next morn­ ing before rosy-fingered dawn peeked over the prairie, one conscience-stricken neighbor, attempting to restore a saw horse which belonged to Dr. Finney, was attacked by the Finney watch dog and had to be rescued, and all the re st of the morning there was a stream of neighbors’ boys bearing borrowed tools, only part of which could Dr. Finney recognize as his property. BEWARE THE DWARF There is an Indian story of a morsel of a dwarf, who asked the king to give him all the ground he could cover with three strides. The king, seeing him so small, said, “Certainly;” whereupon the dwarf suddenly shot up into a tremend­ ous giant, covered all the land w ith the first stride, all the water w ith the sec­ ond, and with the third knocked the king down, and took his throne. This is the story of a little sin nourished in the h eart of a Christian. Think it over. ■iB-Rev. Jam es Bolton.

HONEYW ELL. & P A R K E R , c h u rc h a r c h i­ te c ts , In d ia n a p o lis, In d . L a rg e b o o k of p la n s, Ç1.00. W rite th em .

Whj pay $85.00 or $40.00 for an insignificant 3^4 Octave, sin­ gle reed folding organ when yon can get a practical 4 Octar* double reed PIPE-TONE FOLD­ ING ORGAN for $35.00 cask with order? Organs fully guar­ anteed or money refunded. A* L. WHITE MFG. CO.. Dept K. 215. Englewood Ave.. Chicago. III.


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CHRISTIANS ONLY IN HEAVEN John Wesley once, in the visions of the night, found himself, as he thought, at the gates of hell. He knocked, and ask­ ed who were within. “Are there any Roman Catholics here?” he asked. “Yes,” was the answer; “ a great many.” “Any Chureh-of-England men?” “Yes; a great many.” “Any Presbyterians?” “Yes; a great many.” “Any Wesleyans here?” “Yes, a g reat many.” Disappointed and dismayed, especially a t the last reply, he turned his step upward, and found himself at the gates of paradise; and here he repeated the same questions. “Any Wesleyans here?” “No.” “Any Presby­ terian s?” “No.” “Any Church-of-Eng- land men?” “No.” “Any Roman Catho­ lics?” ‘No.” “Whom have you, then, here?” he asked in astonishment. “We know nothing here,” was the reply, “of any of those names th a t you have men­ tioned. The only name of which we know anything here is ‘Christian.’ We are all Christians here; and of these we have a great multitude, which no man can number, of all nations and kindreds and peoples-and tongues.”

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