The Commercial Timber Guidebook



Reason for inclusion

To satisfy Principle 1(a) by reducing the probability that the structure becomes a source of fuel.


To satisfy Principle 1(a) providing means of vertical escape and firefighting access that cannot become source of fuel. To satisfy Principle 1(a) providing alternative means of vertical escape.

Non-combustible core

Minimum two staircases

Compartmentation between floors

To satisfy Principle 4(a) mitigating internal (vertical) fire spread

To satisfy Principle 4(a), noting this may involve fire resisting elements of façades, staggering openings (including windows, doors) or façade projections.

Façade design to prevent floor to floor fire spread

To satisfy Principle 6 and 8, demonstrating the structure can survive burnout.

Demonstration of auto-extinction

To satisfy Principle 8, reducing the risk of heat-induced delamination, unless concluded through the QDR and agreed with approving authorities, insurers and other stakeholders as not being required. To satisfy Principle 6, preventing simultaneous ignition on the top and bottom of the mass timber slab. To satisfy Principle 4(a) and 4(b), mitigating internal (vertical) and external fire spread

Heat-resistant adhesives

Protection to top of mass timber slab

Non-combustible façade construction

Fire and Rescue Service required to tackle smouldering fire Connections between floors enclosed in fire resisting construction

To satisfy Principle 10, managing smouldering combustion

To satisfy Principle 4(a), mitigating internal (vertical) fire spread


Intervention required

Possible intervention required


Example Buildings

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