ROZ Strategies - November/December 2022

PRACTICE CORNER FROM THE When Does It Make Sense to Hire a New Employee?

Every business owner struggles with staffing issues, especially these days. The most common struggle is where to look to find the right person for the job. Another challenge is when to hire this person. Surprisingly, the best time to hire somebody is when you can least afford to do so, because if you’re a solopreneur (aka a “one-arm

marketing is the oxygen for your business, especially professional practices.

The other thing business owners ask me is, “Michael,

where do I recruit? How do I find my next new team member?” Now, this is counterintuitive because most people use ZipRecruiter, Indeed, or LinkedIn.

paper hanger”), let’s face it: Everything revolves around you, and you are the bottleneck in your firm. If this is you, what you have is a high-paying job versus a real business. A real business has systems and processes. You need predictable systems, so when you’re not in the office (on vacation, for example), the business still runs and generates revenue without you physically there. In order to accomplish this, you need people to whom you can delegate non- revenue producing activities to free up your time.

Here’s what I recommend in addition to, or in lieu of, using those sites. You have a plethora of email addresses of your clients (past and present) and from referral sources. Use this list as a jumping-off point and send an email with the subject line, “We’re expanding …” and put it in a brief description of the type of person you’re looking for, because I bet you that someone in your database,

someone in your world, someone in your circle of influence — it could be a current client, it could be a referral source — happens to know the perfect candidate that

If you’re a business owner, you should be spending most of your day generating leads and

would be a great fit for you and your business.

talking to qualified prospects and making it rain, not actually working IN your business. You should be working ON your business, and to do that, you need help from team members that you can rely on. So when should you do that? When should you hire that person? The answer is when you can least afford to, meaning now! Because something magical happens when you have to make payroll every Friday or every other Friday. You start figuring things out on how to generate more revenue for your firm. Another interesting phenomenon happens when you have someone on payroll. All of a sudden, marketing becomes a top priority. After all, just like oxygen is essential to life,

As you implement this hiring strategy, you will see your business grow, just like mine did. I started by myself, and within a month, I hired a front office person. I ultimately grew to 135 employees. Of course, you don’t need to hire hundreds of employees to be successful. At Roz Strategies, our company is a lot smaller with seven team members, including Roslyn and me. My point is it’s important to have team members so you can scale your business. So if you’re a solopreneur, take that next step and hire your first employee. It’s scary but worth it!

–Michael Rozbruch

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