ROZ Strategies - November/December 2022

SHOUT Way to go, Guy Finocchiaro for signing two new clients, one with a $15,000 deposit and $4,000 per month retainer until the case is resolved, and the other with a $25,000 deposit and $8,000 per month until the case is resolved. These two cases alone will earn Guy $300,000 in fees! INCREDIBLE! Thanks for the Shout Out to Michael and other Founder’s Mastermind members who helped you make this happen! Teamwork is dream work! Congratulations to RC Thornton for his record month of closing $75,000 in sales! Now it’s time to hire some help for the office! High-five to Tracie Lowe for saving a client $250,000 in penalties. Wow! Congratulations to Ben Golden for having your company, Golden Tax Relief, receive the Inc. 5000 fastest growing companies honor for 2022 and be ranked 410 on the list out of 5,000 other companies also honored. That’s awesome! Way to go, Sharon Lewis for giving your first live presentation to real estate agents and receiving a prospect immediately following the presentation. High-five to Dionne Cheshier for reducing her client’s IRS tax debt from $17,851.40 to $75. Now, that’s a great negotiation! Congrats to David Rappaport and signing a client for $15,000! Kudos to Melinda Tolbert for being retained for over six figures for a client who owes over a million! That’s what we call Supercharging Your Profits®! High five to Timalyn Bowens for being quoted in The Wall Street Journal in an article about late filing penalties. Be sure to post this, frame it, and use it to show you are the authority on tax resolution and ACE! Nice going, Jesus Abikarram , whose client owed over $11,000 to the IRS, but Jesus helped him receive a refund of $1,100! Congratulations to George Leddicotte for signing two clients in one week; one will be billed a minimum of $26,000, and the other found him from an internet search!

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them customers — because they never bothered to find out. Don’t make that mistake in your tax resolution business. Next time you need to make a decision that will affect your clients, choose a path that’s based on reality, not what you imagine is best in your mind. Make a point to experience the change yourself to judge whether it really is better. Literally take off your shoes, step into the shoes of your client, and go through the process. If you don’t, you’ll be making a huge mistake. For example, imagine you want to swap your phone on-hold music for a recording explaining all of the benefits of your service. That’s what we did at our company, and I think it’s a great way to improve the caller experience, pre-sell them, and educate them before you, or anyone at your firm gets on the phone. But you shouldn’t take my word for it. Instead, call your company yourself, have someone put you on hold, and listen to your current on-hold music or message. Then, listen to a recording explaining all the benefits the client will receive by working with you. Which one do you think is better? Which one would your clients really prefer? You should never implement a change in your business just because it looks good on paper or because you learned about it at a conference or it’s what everybody else is doing. You should ultimately only make changes when they benefit your clients. Whether you run a hotel or a tax resolution company, the happier your clients are, the better your bottom line will be. Now, I need to write a letter to the Grand Wailea so they can fix this problem before my visit next year.

–Michael Rozbruch

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