2021 Senior Lawrentian

‘The quality and standard of pupil outcomes has really improved with some stunning artwork created as a result.’

formers enjoyed a series of remote life drawing sessions by the Royal Academy, which then progressed to studying a life model directly over Zoom. It all felt a little surreal! On the 18thofMay, a groupof ALevel Art and Photography students made their way to Wingham Wildlife Park on what was for some of them their first trip of the year. We were incredibly lucky with the weather, and this meant many of the animals were out in full view, and the students were able

Editions to school to deliver a specialised one day course in relief printing. The pupils benefitted enormously from their expertise. The quality and standard of pupil outcomes has really improved with some stunning artwork created as a result. We look forward to working with them again. As we now look ahead to a new academic year, my team and I look forward to getting back to ‘normal’ and working with the young

people of St Lawrence College. Our ultimate ambition is to deliver a strong, enriching arts education, nurturing talent, encouraging creativity and igniting the imagination of all our students.

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ~Pablo Picasso 

Mrs NA Hodge, Head of Art

to take some fantastic photographs and make some stunning drawings and paintings of their observations. A fantastic day was had by staff and students alike, and we very much hope to make the trip an annual event. “Not only did we get to interact with nature and animals on this trip, but the people who studied photography took some amazing photos to show us what they had learnt. The Art & Design students did a lot of sketching and painting. We tried to record the animals in action with paintbrushes and the end result was fantastic. Everyone had a great time on the trip and we all learnt a lot.” Anna Liu, Lower Sixth Art With gallery visits being limited by the pandemic, we were able to invite some artists and practitioners to the school to talk to our students and show them new skills. The book-binding workshop by Esther Miles was especially well received by our Fifth Form art students, who made their own beautifully bound sketchbooks, in which they could complete their transition to A Level project in. We were thrilled to welcome Fiona and Paul from DBA


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