LetSimple - Cope & Co.


So, how does LetSimple protect a landlord from potentially excessive fees? First of all, the monthly payment is on a fixed fee structure – it is not a percentage of the rent. Fees are fixed for the duration of the tenancy – if there is a rent increase during the tenancy, the fee does not change. If the tenant moves out prior to month 6, the landlords fees are protected. As there are no up front fees, the monthly payment will only be paid for the duration of the tenancy. There will be agreed, automatic fee REDUCTIONS in place after 6 and 12 months. The longer the tenancy, the lower the monthly fee.

For the first 6 months of the tenancy, the monthly payment is fixed at the agreed amount.

From month 7, the monthly payment reduces - in many cases by up to 50%

If the tenant stays beyond a year, the monthly payment reduces again and remains the same until the tenant leaves.

Fairer Fees

There will be bespoke fee structure agreed for each individual property. LetSimple is not a blanket management service simply based upon the rent being paid – it is calculated property by property for complete transparency and fairness. At Cope & Co. we believe that, in the reformed private rental sector, the monthly rent alone should not determine the fees that landlords should pay. The LetSimple Fee is based on a number of factors including; Location Condition Property Type Tenant Demographics Property Management Needs Portfolio Numbers We firmly believe that this is a much fairer and logical way of determining the fees payable. A far more realistic way of calculating landlord fees. LetSimple shows that Cope & Co. have put some serious thought into what landlords actully want from a letting agent.

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