ARTICLE Business Events Tasmania


Our role at Business Events Tasmania is to attract national and international business events to Tasmania. We’re a specialist bidding organisation responsible for marketing Tasmania as a business event destination. As part of that promotion, and coinciding with this year’s Dark Mofo festival, Business Events Tasmania hosted a famil to promote Tasmania as a top winter business events destination. A group of professional conference organisers from across the country were invited to experience Tasmania at this special time of year. There is a common misconception among interstate event planners that Tasmania is too cold to hold an event during winter, but Business Events Tasmania is working on changing this perception by hosting prominent clients at a truly exciting time in southern Tasmania. The group was handpicked to include some of the industry’s most prominent professionals working in the corporate and incentive travel markets, giving participating Business Events Tasmania members the opportunity to network and build relationships with some of the most influential people in the industry. Throughout the three-day famil, the conference organisers embraced Tasmania, got their hands dirty and had some unforgettable experiences. This was an invaluable opportunity for the Business Events Tasmania sales team to showcase premiumTasmanian offerings and ‘outside the box’ programming. Feedback from those attending was outstandingly positive and included: 'I have felt that everybody we’ve met has been passionate about Tasmania. The food has been incredible, everybody knows so much about their environment', and ‘'I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend any of my groups to come and Conference in Tasmania. The experiences are second to none, and the hospitality is fantastic!'

The Corporate Incentive Travel market (CIT) is seeing particular growth right now. CIT makes up over 25% of the global business travel industry and in Australia, it’s a segment that is growing at a rate of 20% annually. This market presents a valuable opportunity for our local industry to tailor and present CIT packages to this segment. Unlike a corporate conference, which only occurs once a year, CIT packages are needed year-round. Traditionally, CIT has been used as a tool to motivate and reward high-performing staff and executives. Staff that reach sales targets are rewarded with a high end, all-expenses paid trip to a premium destination. CIT planners, such as those that attended our famil, are very clear about what they look for in a CIT package. That is the ability to offer their employees and clients an experience; and not just any old experience, but a WOW experience. Delegates are starting to demand much more than simply a luxurious holiday, and instead are looking to create positive memories that last beyond the duration of the trip. The industry is seeing a move away from traditional tropical destinations and instead the demand is for more culturally-connected and experience-driven trips. As a destination Tasmania has plenty of great incentive attractions but it can be hard for CIT planners to package these activities into WOW experiences. As an industry, when packaging experiences for this market, we must change our thinking from offering a ‘great deal’ to tailoring an incentive program to a client’s individual needs. Business Events Tasmania is focussed on working with Tasmania’s tourism and hospitality providers to package suitable WOW experiences for this lucrative market. In turn positioning Tasmania as a highly desirable destination of choice for corporate incentive groups. If you’d like to know more about the CIT market and how you can work with Business Events Tasmania to secure business in this sector, please get in contact via mail@businesseventstasmania. com or 03 6231 1366.


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