CEO's Report

Following the success of the hospitality industry workshops, we have now commenced drafting the Tasmanian Hospitality Association industry development plans. 664 people attended the five forums held around Tasmania from April to June this year, which included the workshops on the challenges and opportunities facing Tasmania’s hospitality industry. The development plans will establish development frameworks at a state-wide level as well as individual development plans for each regional area being, the West Coast, Southern Tasmania, Northern Tasmania, the East Coast and the North-West. While Flinders Island and King Island have been incorporated as part of the north and north-west regional plans respectively, we recognise that both islands face a number of unique issues, especially those issues affected by access. For these reasons the THA will travel to both islands later in this calendar year, to consult with the island hospitality businesses and enterprises. This will assist us in establishing development plans specific to each island, which will be incorporated with the north and north-west development plans. The workshop sessions provided us with valuable feedback and knowledge about the key challenges and opportunities facing our industry. Importantly, the workshops have shown that while hospitality businesses and enterprises around Tasmania face the same array of issues, the nature of these challenges can vary across the State, and from region to region. This feedback is important as it will help ensure that the development plans are specific for each region. The forum workshops focussed on a wide range of issues including industry regulation and red-tape, the sharing economy, access to goods and services, cost to business and profitability, maintaining a quality workforce, promoting the hospitality industry/social media, specific regional issues, issues of concern/barriers for the future, opportunities for the future and innovation and, the future direction of the hospitality industry in Tasmania. It is not surprising that maintaining a quality workforce was rated the most significant issue by those businesses attending the workshops, along with the cost and time in managing industry regulation and red-tape, and other costs impacting on the business bottom line. This feedback is invaluable as it will assist in ensuring the industry development plans are focussed on the priority issues. The industry development plans are important commitments as part of the 2018-2022 Tasmanian Hospitality Industry Strategic Plan, supported with $6.8 million in funding from the Tasmanian Government over the four years 2018 to 2022. Importantly these industry development plans will provide an opportunity to highlight the key challenges and opportunities in each region, along with the key strategies and initiatives we need to put in place, to support the continued growth and development of our industry. These industry development plans also provide us with the opportunity to advise the government, political parties and policy makers about the key issues impacting on our businesses, and the most effective means of ensuring our industry continues to be sustainable into the future. Importantly, this is an opportunity for us to look forward and establish a longer term view, establishing a clear vision of where we want our industry to be in 2030. The next series of hospitality industry forums, to be held later this year, will provide us with the opportunity to outline the industry development plans that have been developed for each region and I encourage everyone to attend.

August 2019 - Date/Time: TBC Round 23


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