ARTICLE Nick Roney

We completed our last two forums, with the first on the East Coast at the Eastcoaster Tasmania in Orford on the 27th & 28th of May. A big thanks goes out to Oliver Strickland and his team for accommodating us all. Our last forum was in Devonport on the 17th & 18th of June, which was held at the Gateway Hotel . A big thanks as well to Debbie Grice and her team for the fantastic service. Both forums were well received with approximately 70- 80 people attending over the two days at these events. During the last two months, I have been able to get out along the North West and East Coast and visit many members to sit down and discuss their concerns or update them on upcoming events for the second half of the year. Please keep an eye out on email invitations that will arrive on any events as we are now using a new system to track and invite and inform you all on what’s happening. If you find that you haven’t received anything, please check your junk/spam folder, as the email address from us is a very generic one. Any issues or concerns with this, please don’t hesitate to contact me on or call me on 0439 119 343 In July we had a stall at the inaugural ALM Trade Day, which was held at the Brooke Street Pier. Around 200 customers of ALM attended this trade show and there was a lot of interest in the THA and what we can provide members in the way of Employment Relations and general support and networking. Great work Scott Lister and his team in organising a great event which was supported by majority of their suppliers. In our corporate partners space, I would like to welcome Rapid Supply, A.H Beard, Typsy, Redroo Enterprises, Tas Racing, Work & Training, North Melbourne Football Club and Hawthorn Football Club. All of our corporate partners should be able to offer some value or benefits to your business, please make a point to mention that you are a THA member when contacting them. I would also like

to hear your stories when you have dealt with our partners, so just shoot me a quick email when you do at See our website for contact details on all of our corporate partners. The THA Podcast has seen us roll out to Devonport, East Coast, Deloraine, Mole Creek, Kempton, Longford and Ross to name a few. Our THA staff also give updates in our Podcast that will also keep you informed on Workforce Development and ER matters as well as interviews with corporate partners and politicians when required. If anyone has any stories they would like to share or any ideas that you think would work on this medium, please contact me. Like I have stated previously in regards to the THA Podcast, this gives us an opportunity to spread the hospitality word far and wide. As the months go on this will become a powerful tool for whole of industry as we endeavour to get out to most areas of the state to interview owners, operators, managers, staff, locals and politicians. Please go to our website to get more information on this new initiative and please subscribe, share and listen. Be ready when I call for someone to come in to your venue and take some photos of your venue, so then we can put them on Facebook and Instagram in our “Venue in Focus” . When you see any of our photos of members venues, please like and share them with your contacts as it spreads the word on what great venues are out there. The THAWebsite is where you are able to go for any information you require about the THA and the site which has been restructured recently by our good friends at Beetle Black. It also contains relevant and up to date ER/IR information. If you have misplaced your member login please call our office on 6220 7300. Please contact myself directly if you need assistance in any way in regards to your membership on 0439 119 343

August 2019


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