er srbija info / air Serbia info
Borisa Crnadka, kapetana Tri pitanja za...
Boris Crnadak, captain Three questions for...
Zašto ste postali pilot, šta vas je privuklo? – S obzirom na to da sam odrastao u avijatičarskoj porodici, naime, i deda i otac su se bavili ovim poslom, rano sam spoznao kakve izazove donosi. San svakog dečaka je meni bio nadohvat ruke. Kao veoma mlad stalno sam dosađivao ocu da me vodi sa sobom na ae-
Why did you become a pilot; what attracted you to the job? “Given that I grew up in a family of aviators, specifically that both my grandfather and father had this job, I became familiar with the challeng- es it carries at an early age. Every boy’s childhood
rodrom, što mi je često polazilo za rukom. Svaki odlazak na aerodrom bio je praznik za mene i sve ono što sam video iz prve ruke samo je po- tvrdilo moju rešenost da i sam po- stanem pilot. Nebo nema granice. Šta vaš posao čini najlep- šim na svetu? – Mnogi će reći da imamo naj- bolji pogled iz kancelarije, što je tač- no, ali mogućnost da upoznate sko- ro ceo svet, druge nacije, njihove običaje i kulturu, da vidite prede- le koji su ponekad nestvarno lepi i graniče se sa neverovatnim jeste prava privilegija. Svako odricanje koje ovaj posao donosi je vredno toga. Posebno zadovoljstvo dono- se humanitarni letovi i svest da ti- me pomažete velikom broju ljudi u nevolji i da možete da date bar mali doprinos. Kuda biste nas odveli u aprilu? Koja vam je omi- ljena prole na destina- cija? – Proleće je možda i najlepše go- dišnje doba, jer donosi novi život.
dream was within easy reach for me. As a very young boy, I constantly pestered my fa- ther to take me to the air- port with him, and I often proved successful. Every trip to the airport was a holiday for me, and everything that I saw first-hand only bolstered my resolve to become a pi- lot myself. The sky has no limits.” What makes yours the most beautiful job in the world? “Many will say that we have the best view from our office, which is correct, but the real privilege is the op- portunity to get acquaint- ed with almost the whole world, with other nations and their customs and cul- tures, to see landscapes that are sometimes incredi- bly beautiful and bordering on the unbelievable. Every sacrifice that this job en-
Od bližih destinacija to je svakako Pariz. Grad sanja- ra i umetnika, neverovatne lepote i kulture, u prole- će poprima i pokazuje sav svoj sjaj i lepotu, a ljudima pruža zaista sve. U Parizu će svako naći ono što mu treba, a pre svega uživanje.
tails is worth it. It is particularly satisfying to pi- lot humanitarian flights and to have an awareness that you are thus helping a large number of trou- bled people and can provide at least a small contri- bution.” Where would you take us in April; what’s your favourite springtime destination? “Spring is perhaps the most beautiful season, because it brings new life. When it comes to des- tinations that are nearer, that would definitely be Paris. This city of dreamers and artists, of incredi- ble beauty and culture, assumes and displays all its splendour and beauty in spring, and it really offers people everything. Everyone will find what they need in Paris, and primarily an enjoyable time.”
Proleće je možda i najlepše godišnje doba, jer donosi novi život. Hajde da letimo u Pariz / Spring is perhaps the most beautiful season, because it brings new life. Let's fly to Paris
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