Elevate April 2022 | Air Serbia



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April je odlično vreme za posetu Rimu iz mno - go razloga, kao što su lepo proleć no vreme, cveć e koje počinje da cveta, mnogo novih otvaranja i duži dani. U aprilu postoji i pose - ban datum – rođendan Rima i mnoge druge sjajne stvari. Rođendan Rima Prema legendi, Rim je osnovan 21. aprila 753. godine pre nove ere, pa na taj dan Italijani sla - ve Natale di Roma – spektakl parada, vatro - meta i otvorenih muzeja, što se dešava samo jednom godišnje. Tokom tog dana mnogi ljudi se okupljaju ispred Panteona kako bi bili svedoci fenomenalne svetlosne predstave. Vekovima se zapravo na ovom mestu ljudi okupljaju zahvaljujuć i ca - ru Hadrijanu, za koga se veruje da je odgovo - ran za izgradnju Panteona. Jedan interesantan događaj u ovo vreme je sunčeva svetlost ko - ja prolazi kroz Panteonov okulus koji se može posmatrati u podne 21. aprila. Ostala zabava uključuje masovne rekonstrukcije istorije Rima, poput priče o Romulu i Remu i poznatih sce - na bitaka. Ovi događaji se održavaju u Cirku - su maksimusu i na drugim lokacijama, a rekon - strukcije privlače hiljade učesnika iz različitih zemalja, kao i stotine hiljada gledalaca. Svi putevi vode u Rim

April is a great time to visit Rome for lots of re- asons, like the beautiful spring weather, flowers beginning to bloom, lots of new openings and longer days. There’s also a special date in April – marking Rome's Birthday – and many other gre- at things to do. Rome's Birthday According to legend, Rome was founded on 21 st April, 753 B.C. Accordingly, it is on this date that Italians celebrate the Natale di Roma – a spe- ctacle of parades, fireworks and open museums that happens just once a year. Lots of people gather outside the Pantheon on Rome's birth- day, to witness a light show that’s been happe- ning every year for centuries thanks to Emperor Hadrian, who’s believed to have been responsi- ble for the construction of the Pantheon. One event that’s interesting at this time is the sunlight that passes through the Pantheon's oculus and can be observed at noon every 21 st April. Other entertainment includes massive re-enactments from the history of Rome, like the story of Romu- lus and Remus and famous battle scenes. The- se events take place at the Circus Maximus and other locations. The re-enactments attract tho- usands of participants from different countries, as well as hundreds of thousands of spectators. All roads lead to Rome

Prema legendi, Rim je osnovan 21. aprila 753. godine pre nove ere, pa na taj dan Italijani slave Natale di Roma According to legend, Rome was founded on 21 st April, 753 B.C. Accordingly, it is on this date that Italians celebrate the Natale di Roma

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