At the festival that’s officially the Best New European Festival, to be held in Belgrade from 8 th to 9 th April, DJ Nina Kraviz will be joined by techno superstar Stephan Bodzin Alongside Nina Kraviz and Stephan Bodzin, the official ‘Best New European Festival’, which will take place on 8 th and 9 th April at the Port of Belgrade’s Matrez Hangar, will also welcome the arrivals of Italian duo Agents Of Time, worldwide favourite DJ Ten- nis, Portuguese rising star Luna Se- mara and talented resident Progres- sive Tear’s [Progresivna Suza] Lukai, as well as Serbian DJs who’ve already established themselves internation- ally, Tijana T and Kristijan Molnar, who will stand shoulder-to-shoul- der with techno legends like DVS1 and DJ Bone! Belgrade’s Drugstore night- club also has a complementary pro- gramme and will welcome French champion of progressive house Sébastien Léger, followed by Dan- iella Da Silva, SUMIA, Human Ri- as, as well as local mainstays Dejan Milićević, N-Tchbl and DJ duo Mon- osaccharide. There will certainly be a shortage of tickets available for the trap party at this Belgrade club, be- cause the artists arriving include Crni Cerak & Lacku, Space Knoxi, Kene Beri, tam, Rade XO and DJ Micubiši! After a four-year break, Belgrade welcomes back the unrivalled Nina Kraviz, whose Exit Festival perfor- mance was considered by many as
being one of the best on the entire world stage! This queen of techno will be joined by Stephan Bodzin, whose latest album, Boavista, has re- affirmed his status as a techno super- star! Inspired by his recent move to Portugal, this German maestro uti- lised his analogue synthesizers and rhythm machines to create a studio work that has been awaited by the world stage for a full six years. Also performing will be Agents Of Time, the Italian duo that truly reigns supreme with their melod- ic techno. Since the release of their 2014 debut album Polina, they have developed to become one of the lead- ers of the genre, alongside Tale of Us and ARTBAT, and their new Mirage EP, released by the ultra-popular Af- terlife label, is already a candidate for release of the year. The grand finale of this year’s festival at the Port of Belgrade has been entrusted to DJ Tennis, an ab- solute legend of the world scene and the proud owner of cult record label Life and Death, which spawned the likes of Tale of Us, Mind Against, Red Axes and numerous others. He will be joined in the DJ booth, especially for this occasion, by the bard of our regional scene, Kristijan Molnar, to round off the night in a joint back- 2back performance. The spring edition of the festi- val, which is produced under the di- rection of the EXIT team, holds a special place in the hearts of fans of electronic music, as it finally en- ables a celebration of the prestigious title of Best New Festival, which it received at the European Festival Awards back in 2020!
U hangar Matrez beogradske luke, stiže i italijanski duo Agents Of Time Matrez Hangar will also welcome the arrival of Italian duo Agents Of Time
a njihov novi Mirage EP na ultra- popularnoj etiketi Afterlife već se kandiduje za izdanje godine pred nama. Za veliko finale festivala u Lu- ci Beograd ove godine zadužen je DJ Tennis, apsolutna legenda svet- ske scene i ponosni vlasnik kultne etikete Life & Death, koja je izne- drila sastave kao što su Tale of Us, Mind Against, Red Axes i brojne druge. Njemu će se, specijalno za ovu priliku, za di-džej pultom pri- družiti bard regionalne scene Kri- stijan Molnar, da u zajedničkom back2back nastupu zaokruže noć. Prolećno izdanje festivala, koji se održava u produkciji EXIT tima, zauzima posebno mesto u srcima ljubitelja elektronske muzike, jer konačno donosi proslavu presti- žne titule najboljeg novog festiva- la na Evropskim festivalskim na- gradama, dodeljene 2020. godine!
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