Er Srbija vesti / Air Serbia news
Air Serbia continues to post positive results 78 per cent more passengers in
Er Srbija nastavlja sa pozitivnim rezultatima
Nacionalna avio-kompanija Srbije je u febru- aru prevezla ukupno 80.122 putnika, što predstavlja uvećanje od čak 78 odsto u odnosu na isti period 2021. godine, kada je prevezeno 44.963 putnika. Srpski avio-prevoznik je i u januaru zabeležio dobre rezultate prevezavši više od 90.000 putnika, za čak 71 odsto više u odnosu na isti mesec prošle godine. – Raduje me što nastavljamo trend rasta broja put- nika, iako februar tradicionalno predstavlja najslabi- ji mesec u avio-industriji. Ostvareni rezultati pokazuju da smo donosili prave odluke i da je naša strategija do- bro postavljena. Idemo u susret novim prilikama za da- lju ekspanziju, radujemo se letnjoj sezoni, koja je počela 31. marta, i brojnim novim destinacijama koje nas oče- kuju već od aprila i juna – izjavio je Boško Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije . Uprkos snažnom uticaju pandemije kovida-19 na ograničenja u avio-saobraćaju i putovanjima, Er Srbi- ja je tokom prethodne godine prevezla 1.586.665 put- nika, za čak 83 odsto više nego tokom 2020. godine. Istovremeno, realizovano je za 39 odsto više saobraća- ja u odnosu na 2020. godinu, uz prosečnu popunjenost putničke kabine na letovima od 64 odsto. U februaru 78 odsto više putnika u odnosu na isti mesec 2021. Er Srbija nastavlja da beleži snažan rast broja putnika i u drugom mesecu 2022. godine
The national airline of the Republic of Serbia carried a total of 80,122 passengers in February 2022, marking an incre- ase of as much as 78 per cent compared to the same month of 2021, when Air Serbia carried 44,963 passengers. The Serbian flag carrier had also previously reported good results in January, having carried more than 90,000 passengers – up 71 per cent on the same month of last year. “I am glad that we are continuing the trend of passenger growth, even though February is traditionally the weakest mon- th in the aviation industry. The results achieved show that we ha- ve made the right decisions and that our strategy was properly established. We are approaching new opportunities for furt- her expansion – we look forward to the summer season, which began on 31 st March, and the numerous new destinations that await us from as early as April and June,” stated Air Serbia Gene- ral Manager, Commercial and Strategy, Boško Rupić. Despite the strong impact of the pandemic, with its re- strictions on air transport and travel, Air Serbia still carried 1,586,665 passengers last year, which is as much as 83 per cent more than in 2020. At the same time, the volume of traffic increased by 39 per cent compared to 2020, with an average load factor of 64%. February compared to the same month of 2021 Air Serbia continued recording strong growth in passenger numbers during the second month of 2022
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