Ritam Srbije / Rhythm of Serbia
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2.000 m 2 inovacija Srbija je predstavljena u im- pozantnom paviljonu koji nosi kosi krov vinčanskih građevina, a posetioci su kroz digitalni svet mogli da se upoznaju sa vinčan- skom kulturom, srpskim velika- nima koji su zadužili čovečanstvo poput Nikole Tesle, Mihajla Pupi- na, Milutina Milankovica, ali i da istraže najveća blaga naših nacio- nalnih muzeja, tehnoloških ino- vacija i turističke ponude. VINČA KAO INSPIRACIJA Srbija se na Svetskoj izložbi predstavlja pod modernim bren- dom nacionalne platforme Srbije stvara, a tema nastupa glasi Srbija stvara ideje: Inspirisani prošlošću, oblikujemo budućnost . Inspira- cija je pronađena u 7.000 godina staroj vinčanskoj kulturi, tokom koje su se desile inovacije koje su uticale na razvoj kompletnog čo- večanstva – prvo topljenje meta- la u istoriji civilizacije, prvo or- ganizovanje ljudi u gradove, prve dvospratne građevine i iznad sve- ga miroljubivo društvo koje nije poznavalo podele. SILICIJUMSKA DOLINA BALKANA Srbiju nazivaju još i rasadni- kom IT talenata, liderom u krei- ranju blockchain i fintech tehno- logija, digitalizaciji. Naša zemlja je jedna od retkih država na sve- tu koje imaju strategiju razvo- ja veštačke inteligencije, a pred- stavljeni su i Institut za veštačku inteligenciju, mreža naučno-teh- noloških parkova i budući kreativ- no-inovativni multifunkcionalni centar Ložionica. NA SCENI SA DEJVIDOM GETOM Onima koji su sanjali da za- vire u kabinu jednog svetski po- znatog di-džeja na velikom evrop- skom muzičkom festivalu želja se ostvarila u paviljonu Srbije, gde su pomoću najsavremenije VR teh- nologije mogli da urone u prizore i zvuke EXIT-a, najboljeg muzič- kog festivala jugoistočne Evrope,
2,000m 2 OF INNOVATIONS Serbia was presented at the impos- ing Serbia Pavilion, with a sloping roof that resembles the prehistoric build- ings of Vinča, and the digital world en- abled visitors to acquaint themselves with the Vinča culture, as well as with Serbian greats to which humanity is indebted, such as Nikola Tesla, Miha- jlo Pupin and Milutin Milanković, and to explore the greatest treasures of our national museums, technological inno- vations and tourist offers. VINČA AS A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION Serbia’s appearance at the World Exhibition was organised under the modern brand of national platform Serbia Creates, while the theme of the appearance is “Serbia creates ide- as: inspired by the past, shaping the fu- ture”. Inspiration was provided by the 7,000-year-old Vinča culture, which had innovations that influenced the devel- opment of mankind as a whole: the first melting of metals in the history of civ- ilisation, the first organising of people into cities, the first two-storey build- ings and, above all, a peaceful society that didn’t recognise divisions. SILICON VALLEY OF THE BALKANS Serbia has also been dubbed a nurs- ery of IT talent, a leader in the creating of blockchain and fintech technologies, a leader of digitalisation. Our country is among the few around the world to have its own Strategy for the Develop- ment of Artificial Intelligence, while the country’s Institute for Artificial Intel- ligence, network of Science and Tech- nology Parks and the future Ložionica creative and innovative multifunction- al centre were also presented at the ex- hibition. ON STAGE WITH DAVID GUETTA Those who dreamt of peeking in- to the booth of a world-famous DJ at a major European music festival had their wish come true at the Serbia Pa- vilion, where – with the help of state-of- the-art VR technology – they were able to immerse themselves in the scenes and sounds of EXIT, the best music fes-
Dan za šampiona Jedan gost je ipak privukao najve- ću pažnju svetskih medija, pored Lepenca od pre 10.000 godina, a to je bio svetski šampion Novak Đoković, koji je u paviljonu Srbije učestvovao u predstavljanju Novak Đoković Fondacije, koju je predsta- vila Jelena Đoković, njegova supru- ga i suosnivač Fondacije. Jelena i Novak su sa gostima podelili tajne uspešnog roditeljstva i predstavi- li svoj rad i misiju posvećenu ranom razvoju dece. Champion’s Day One guest that attracted the great- est attention of the world media, be- sides the 10,000-year-old “Lep- enac”, was world tennis champion Novak Đoković, who participated in the presentation of the Novak Đok- ović Foundation at the Serbia Pavil- ion that was hosted by his wife and co-founder, Jelena Đoković. Jele- na and Novak shared secrets of suc- cessful parenting with guests and presented their work and mission dedicated to the early development of children.
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