i posete vrhunskog di-džeja Davi- da Getu dok kreira magiju na sa- moj bini. U GOSTIMA KOD LALE I SOSE Srbija je kao ponosni domaćin Evropskog centra izvrsnosti za IKT rešenja u poljoprivredi pred- stavila digitalnu baštu i novu vizi- ju budućnosti poljoprivrede, u ko- joj senzori postavljeni na robote (simbolično nazvane Lala i Sosa) Instituta Biosens iz Novog Sada mogu da detektuju stanje biljke i da joj pomognu da bolje raste. POBEDA SRPSKOG STARTAPA U takmičenju Supernova iza-
tival in Southeast Europe, and visit great DJ David Guetta while he was creating magic, right there, on stage. VISITING LALA AND SOSA Serbia, as a proud host of the Eu- ropean Centre of Excellence for ICT solutions in agriculture, presented a digital garden and a new vision of the future of agriculture, in which sensors mounted on robots (sym- bolically named “Lala” and “Sosa”), designed by Novi Sad’s Biosens, are able to detect and determine a plant’s condition and help it grow better. VICTORY FOR A SERBIAN START-UP The “Supernova Challenge” com- petition, held within the scope of the Gitex Future Stars in Dubai, the larg- est event dedicated to the develop- ment of start-ups in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia, result- ed in Serbian start-up Joberty Tech- nologies winning the top award in the Marketing Technology catego- ry. And this was achieved in compe- tition among 750 of the best start- ups from around the world. FIRST GAMING VILLAGE Relog Media, the largest e-sports production company in the Balkans, together with TV Arena E-sport, pre- miered the project to construct the world’s first gaming village in Serbia and the world's first gaming arena to organise the world e-sports tour- nament. It’s also worth mentioning that the gaming industry is among the fastest growing branches of the creative industries in Serbia.
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Srbija je svetu predstavila vrhunske umetnike i kreativne stvaraoce Serbia presented its top artists and creative people to the worldi
9 10 10 zov u okviru Gitex Future Stars u Dubaiju, najvećem događaju po- svećenom razvoju startapova u regionu Bliskog istoka, Severne Afrike i južne Azije, startap iz Sr- bije Joberty Technologies osvojio je nagradu za najbolji u katego- riji Marketing Technology , i to u konkurenciji 750 najboljih starta- pova iz celog sveta. PRVO GEJMING SELO Najveća e-sport produkcij- ska kuća na Balkanu Relog media, zajedno sa TV Arena e-sportom, premijerno je predstavila projekat izgradnje prvog svetskog gejming sela (Gaming village) u Srbiji, kao Digitalna bašta i nova vizija budućnosti poljoprivrede u kojoj su senzori postavljeni na robote A digital garden and a new vision of the future of agriculture, in which sensors are mounted on robots
i prve gejming arene u svetu za organizaciju svetskih e-sport tur- nira. Inače, gejming industrija u Srbiji je jedna od najbrže rastućih grana kreativnih industrija.
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