Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Subdivision & Infrastructure Standards 6.7 Town Street Classification & Design


Curb Type

Vertical curb & gutter or approved alternative (Additional right-of-way may be required for natural drainage sections) 1 canopy tree per 50 ft of street frontage (See also 8.6.1) 5 ft Bike Lane (See also 6.10) or 6 ft w/on-street parking

Landscape Type

Bicycle Facilities

6.7.2.D Commercial Street Main streets are intended to provide access to neighborhoods and high density residential and commercial areas.

Right-of-Way Width

60 - 80 ft (Curb & Gutter)

Lane Widths Median Width Design Speed Traffic Lanes Parking Lanes

10-12 ft


20-25 mph

2 lanes

Both sides @ 8 feet marked (or One side only as appropriate)

Curb Radius

15-25 ft (See MSSD)

Walkway Type

12 ft sidewalk both sides (16 ft required for outdoor seating areas) (measured from back of curb to the outside edge of sidewalk) 6 ft continuous planting strip or tree wells (included in walkway type dimension) Intersection bulb outs (Required) & Mid-block crosswalks

Planter Type

Pedestrian Facilities

Curb Type

Vertical curb & gutter

Landscape Type

1 canopy tree per 50 ft of street frontage (See also 8.6.1) 5 ft Bike Lane (See also 6.10) or 6 ft w/on-street parking

Bicycle Facilities

6.7.2.E Large Residential Street

Right-of-Way Width Pavement Width

60 ft (Curb & Gutter), 70 ft (Swale)

30-36 ft

Median Width


Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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