Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

District Provisions 2.2 District Provisions


density, height, street design, the design of parks and open space, the mix of uses, building design, parking, streetscape, and other aspects of the human environment. In order to implement the intent of this ordinance, there are hereby created several base districts with the designations and general purposes listed under each and the specifically permitted uses, special uses, dimensional standards and permitted building types included. Each base district has a corresponding Conditional District designation which shall be administered in accordance with Section 2.6.

A. Natural & Rural Areas The Transect begins with two areas that are rural in character: the Natural Area, which is made up of lands protected in perpetuity as natural, recreational, or agricultural areas; and the Rural Area, which includes areas of high agricultural, scenic, or environmental value that should be protected. B. Suburban Area The transition area between countryside and town is called the Suburban Area. This area consists primarily of single family homes. Although this area is primarily a residential area, it may have other development types, such as schools and other civic uses. C. General Urban Area General Urban development is primarily residential, but more urban in character, having a higher density with a mix of housing types and a greater mix of uses, including neighborhood-serving commercial uses. D. Urban Center Area At the more urban end of the spectrum is the Urban Center Area. This can be a small neighborhood center or a larger Village/Town center, the latter serving more than one neighborhood. E. Urban Core Area The Urban Core or Downtown serves not only adjacent neighborhoods, but the entire town and the region. While it is typically the central business district where the greatest mix of uses occurs, the historic character and location of Wake Forest’s downtown is too small in size and scale to serve as a primary urban core area.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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