Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Recreation Facility Fees, Parks & Open Space Land 7.5 Neighborhood Park Design Standards


Pursuant to Section 7.4.1, development in certain districts may only require simple open space. Public accessibility is not required or expected but is permitted. Where practical, the following priority list shall be used for the conservation of such areas: a. Primary Conservation Areas (riparian corridors, special flood hazard areas, unique geological formations, rock outcroppings, rare plants, rare plant communities, rare habitats, wetlands, and prime agricultural areas/farmland); b. Unbuildable Areas (areas that have highly erodible soils or slopes in excess of 60%); c. Streetyard and perimeter buffers; d. Tree save areas; e. Environmentally sensitive areas including but not limited to: drainage areas, floodways, riparian buffers, wetlands; and f. Public utility easements. Very Low Density Developments: Neighborhood parks are not required in any residential development with an overall density of 1 unit/acre or less. B. Conditional Districts: Exemptions may be permitted on a case-by-case basis through the use of a Conditional District rezoning but shall have a minimum of 50% of the total required open space. C. Developments With 8 Or Fewer Lots: Developments with 8 or fewer lots shall not be required to provide park or open space when located within ¼ mile of a public park. If future phases are added that increase the number of lots to exceed 8, this exemption shall not apply.

7.4.3. Reserved 7.4.4. Exemptions A.

7.5. Neighborhood Park Design Standards

7.5.1. Required Neighborhood Park Types Neighborhood parks, as required by the district provisions, shall conform to one or more of the typologies defined below.

A. Park/Greenway: A natural preserve available for unstructured recreation. Its landscape shall consist of paths and trails, meadows, waterbodies, woodland, and open shelters, all naturalistically disposed. Parks may be linear, following the trajectories of natural corridors (greenways). The size shall generally be 1/2-5 acres (except Greenways where there is no minimum).

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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