Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Tree Protection, Buffers & Landscaping 8.5 Buffers And Screening


iii. Continuous footers for masonry walls shall end at the point where major large roots are encountered and those roots are bridged.

8.4.5. Tree Replacement Standards A.

Replacement of Damaged, Removed or Excessively Pruned Trees and Vegetation : Any tree or vegetation required as part of the development requirements of this ordinance that is damaged, removed or excessively pruned shall be replaced according to the following standards: 1. Square Inch for Square Inch Replacement . Where the cross-sectional (basal) area can be documented, an equal amount of new vegetation (“square inch for square inch”) shall be used t o quantify the required replacement vegetation. All replacement trees shall have a DBH of at least 2 inches each and a cumulative cross-sectional (basal) area equal to or greater than that of the original tree(s). 2. Area Replacement . For all other cases where existing vegetation is damaged or removed, the type and amount of replacement vegetation required shall be the type and amount that is necessary to provide the type of landscaped areas required under this section and/or as required by the approved landscape plan. 3. Location of Replacement Vegetation . Replacement vegetation should be located within the vicinity of the violation. If replacement is not practical within the vicinity, a more suitable location on the site may be selected. If no suitable location can be found, a monetary payment may be required. This monetary payment will be based on the current market price for any replacement tree(s) and/or shrubs. This payment shall be used to fund plantings on public properties. B. Establishment Period : Replacement trees shall be maintained through an establishment period of at least 2 years. The applicant may be required to post a performance guarantee acceptable to the town guaranteeing the survival and health of all replacement trees during the establishment period and guaranteeing any associated replacement costs. If the replacement trees do not satisfactorily survive the

establishment period in the judgment of the Administrator, the performance guarantee will be used to purchase and install new replacement trees.

8.4.6. Tree Clearing Permit Pursuant to NCGS §160D, prior to the commencement of any vegetation clearing or removal on any undeveloped property, the owner (or authorized agent) of such property must obtain a Tree Clearing Permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.7.1.

8.5. Buffers And Screening

8.5.1. General Provisions A.

Buffer Yard Lot Standards 1.

To determine the required buffer type along each property boundary, the proposed land use shall be matched with the corresponding existing/adjacent land use for each property boundary in Section 8.5.2. 2. If a proposed development consists of one or more separate uses and is not developed as a mixed-use development with mixed use buildings, the use with the higher intensity shall provide a buffer, if required by Section 8.5.2, between the two uses. 3. Perpendicular encroachments by driveways, pedestrian-ways, and utilities are permitted, but should be minimized to the extent feasible.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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