Tree Protection, Buffers & Landscaping 8.7 Vehicular Use Area Screening & Landscaping
D. Conflict with Street Lighting: Street trees shall be located and planted so as not to diminish the effectiveness of required street lighting, and in no instance shall street lights be located closer than: 1. 15 feet to canopy trees, and 2. 8 feet to understory trees. E. General Standards 1. The location, species, and approximate planting date of any tree in the public right-of-way or tree easement must be approved by the Administrator prior to planting. 2. Street trees shall be installed according to the standards in the Wake Forest Manual of Specifications, Standards and Design (MSSD). 3. Trees species should vary in accordance with the recommendations for species, genus, and family diversity in the Town of Wake Forest Urban Forest Management Plan. F. Additional Requirements for Special Highway Overlay (SH-O) Districts: Additional requirements for the preservation and planting of trees in streetyards in the SH-O Districts can be found in Section 2.4.3
8.7. Vehicular Use Area Screening & Landscaping
8.7.1. Screening
All off-street parking, loading areas, and service areas adjacent to and/or visible from a public right-of-way and adjacent properties shall be screened from view by use of one or more of the following: A. A building or buildings; B. A change in topography; C. A planting area a minimum of 8 feet wide planted with evergreen shrubbery placed a maximum of 5 feet on center. All shrubs shall achieve a height of 4 feet within 3 years. D. Fencing, walls, or berms. 8.7.2. Landscaping In addition to screening requirements, canopy trees shall be installed in planting areas within parking lots to provide shade coverage for all parking spaces within vehicle service areas. Such planting areas shall meet the following requirements: A. Planting Area Size: The minimum size of a planting area is dependent upon the number of canopy trees planted within it, as described below. Number of Canopy Trees in Planting Area Minimum Size of Planting Area 1 400 square feet 2 700 square feet 3 or more 300 square feet per tree
B. Planting Area Width: A minimum horizontal dimension of 9 feet measured from back of curb, pavement, sidewalk, or other separating structure is required for all planting areas.
Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022
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