Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Parking & Driveways 9.4 Parking Requirements


diameter at breast height) from being damaged or removed, and where the site plan provides for the retention of said tree or trees.

9.4.3. Shared Automobile Parking A.

One parking lot may contain required parking spaces for several different uses; however, the required parking spaces assigned to one use may not be counted or assigned to another uses, unless otherwise provided in this section. B. To the extent that developments that wish to make joint use of the same parking spaces operate at different, off-peak times, the same spaces may be credited to both uses. C. In the joint use of the same parking spaces by two or more principal uses involves satellite parking spaces, then the provisions of Section 9.4.4 are also applicable. D. Where vehicle access is provided between adjoining nonresidential developments and the operating hours of adjoining uses do not significantly overlap, the uses may share up to 50% of the required parking spaces. E. An applicant proposed the use of the shared parking must: 1. Demonstrate that the applicant has the express legal right to use the parking spaces in question; 2. Provided the shared use parking agreement detailing how the parking spaces will be shared among the uses; and 3. Sign an acknowledgement that the continuing validity of the applicant’s development permit depends upon the continuing ability to provide the requisite number of parking spaces. I the shared parking is no longer available or the property owner fails to comply with the requirements of this section, the parking requirement revers to those requirements found in the table in Section 9.4.A and the property owner or applicant must demonstrate compliance with said requirements or the development permit shall be revoked. F. Should there be a change in owner, change in use, expansion or reduction in building or parking area, a new shared use agreement and agreement in outlined in subsection E above shall be submitted to the Town and additional parking may have to be provided as required by this Ordinance or the permit shall be revoked. 9.4.4. Satellite Automobile Parking A. If the off-street parking spaces required by this section cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot on which the principal use is located, such space may be provided on any land within 660 feet. Such measurement shall be taken from the edge of the satellite parking area to the entryway of the principal use for which the parking is provided. A safe, direct, paved, and lit pedestrian routed shall be provided between the lot and the entrance of the principal use. B. Satellite parking may not be used for residential visitor/guest parking or for the provisions of the ADA required spaces unless located within 200 feet of the entryway of the principal use for which the parking is provided. C. If satellite parking is utilized to fulfill parking requirements, the owner or authorized agent for the land upon which such satellite parking is located shall restrict the use of such parking area for parking only in connection with the use(s) or structure(s) for which such satellite parking is provided. Such restriction shall be recorded through an easements plat properly filed with the Register of Deeds of Wake County, which may be released only by written consent of the town. D. Satellite parking for a particular use shall not be established in any district that does not allow that use.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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