Parking & Driveways 9.6 Bicycle Parking Standards
The parking lot under development has a minimum of 24 parking spaces or equivalent parking area. At least 1 connection is provided at all lot lines that are coincident for at least 60 feet with another lot zoned for non-residential use.
Required parking lot connections
The connection is at least 20 feet wide.
If applicable, the connection aligns with a connection that has been previously constructed on an adjacent property. The connection has a slope of no greater than 15 percent.
6. The connection is not placed where a building on an adjacent property is within 50 feet of the lot line which would hamper traffic movements within the parking lot. 7. The connection is placed in an area which will not require the removal of significant natural features such as wetlands or trees with a caliper of 6 inches or more. 8. In the event these conditions cannot be met without undue hardship, or if such connections would create undesirable traffic flow, the Administrator may waive the connection requirement. B. Where a parking lot connection is required an easement for ingress and egress to adjacent lots shall be recorded by the property owner with the Wake County Register of Deeds in the form of an easement plat. 9.5.5. Structured Parking A. Screening Required: Where an above-ground parking structure fronts a public street, the side(s) facing the street shall be screened in such a way that cars are not visible from the street. B. Materials: Along pedestrian-oriented streets, parking structure façades shall be treated with high quality materials and given vertical articulation and emphasis compatible with the principal structure. The façade shall be designed to visually screen cars. C. Entries: Pedestrian entries shall be clearly visible. D. Bicycle Parking: Parking structures shall provide bicycle parking within the structure. It shall be located on the level closest to the street and/or a primary building entrance.
9.6. Bicycle Parking Standards
9.6.1. General Provisions A.
Permanent off-street bicycle parking is required subject to the Off-Street Parking Schedule “A” in Section 9.4.A. B. Bicycle parking must be conveniently located and publicly accessible. A sidewalk will need to connect the bicycle parking facility to the rest of the internal pedestrian network.
9.6.2. Short-Term Bicycle Parking
Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022
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