Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Signs 11.10 Permanent Signage Additional Standards


2. Sign shall only have changeable pricing and company name and logo.

B. Monument Signs 1. The LED pricing portion of the monument sign must be incorporated into a monument sign regulated under Section 11.10.10. C. Wall Signs 1. An LED pricing sign is exempt from the requirements of 11.10.5. The maximum size allowed for the wall pricing sign is 16 square feet counts towards the total allowable wall signage. Signs posted by various local, state, and federal agencies in the performance of their duties such as regulatory signs, welcome signs, and traffic signs. B. Signs installed under governmental authority which note the donation of buildings, structures, or streetscape materials (such as, but not limited to benches, park facilities, etc.). Signs posted upon private property containing information necessary or convenient for persons coming on a premise shall be located on the premises to which the information pertains. Examples include private parking, warning the public against trespassing, against danger from animals or other dangers or dangerous conditions. B. Signs that indicate towing shall be no smaller than 24” x 24” and be prominently displayed at the entrance thereto, displaying the name and phone number of the towing and storage company, and, if individually owned or leased, the parking lot or spaces within the lot are clearly marked by signs setting forth the name of each individual lessee or owner. C. No advertising, including names or logos, may be affixed to such a sign. D. Such signs must be single faced only and wholly attached to a building (may be located on windows or doors) or on posts throughout the site. 11.10.9. Legal and Warning Signs A. Signs erected to warn of danger or hazardous conditions such as signs erected by public utility companies or construction companies. B. Signs required for or specifically authorized for a public purpose by any law, statute, or ordinance. C. Signs that display information pertinent to the safety or legal responsibilities of the general public regarding a particular piece of property shall be located on the premises to which the information pertains. No advertising may be affixed to such a sign. 11.10.7. Governmental Signs A. 11.10.8. Incidental Signs A.

11.10.10. Monument Signs

A sign supported permanently upon the ground by a continuous base or two (2) or more support posts at the outside edge, not attached to any building, and meets the conditions below.


Non-Residential Development Signage: 1.

Requirements vary by commercial zoning district, for specific requirements please refer to Table-11.8.


Residential Development Signage:

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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