Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Erosion, Flood, Stormwater & Watershed Standards 12.5 Stormwater Management


Administrator shall determine whether they will be adequate to meet the requirements of this section as amended. 2. The SCM Manual includes a list of acceptable stormwater treatment practices and the specific design criteria for each stormwater practice. Stormwater treatment practices that are designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the criteria and specifications in the SCM Manual will be presumed to meet the minimum water quality and quantity performance standards of this ordinance. B. Relationship of SCM Manual to Other Laws and Regulations : If the specifications or guidelines of the SCM Manual are more restrictive or apply a higher standard than other laws or regulations, that fact shall not prevent application of the specifications or guidelines in the SCM Manual. C. Changes to Standards and Specifications: If the standards, specifications, guidelines, policies, criteria, or other information in the SCM Manual are amended prior to the submittal of a complete application for approval pursuant to this ordinance, the new information shall control and shall be utilized in reviewing the application and in implementing this ordinance with regard to the application. D. Alternative Stormwater Control Measures: Whenever an applicant proposes to utilize a practice or practices not designed and constructed in accordance with the criteria and specifications in the SCM Manual, the applicant shall have the burden of demonstrating that the practice(s) will satisfy the minimum water quality and quantity performance standards of this ordinance. The Administrator may require the applicant to provide such documentation, calculations, and examples as necessary for the Administrator to determine whether such an affirmative showing is made. E. Dedications: The Town of Wake Forest, upon Board of Commissioners approval, may accept dedication of any existing or future stormwater management facility for maintenance, provided such facility meets all the requirements of this chapter and the requirements for easements and dedications in Section 6.10. F. Improvement Guarantees and Performance Securities: Improvement guarantees and performance securities for the installation and maintenance of required stormwater control structures shall be provided in accordance with Section 6.12. Function of SCMs As Intended: The owner of each structural SCM installed pursuant to this ordinance shall maintain and operate it to preserve and continue its function in controlling stormwater quality and quantity at the degree or amount of function for which the structural SCM was designed. B. Nuisance Conditions Prohibited: The owner of each stormwater SCM shall maintain it so as not to create or result in a nuisance condition. C. Annual Maintenance Inspection and Report: The person responsible for maintenance of any structural SCM installed pursuant to this ordinance shall submit to the Administrator an inspection report from a qualified inspector. All inspection reports shall be on forms supplied by the Administrator. An original inspection report shall be provided to the Administrator beginning one year from the date of as-built certification and each year thereafter on or before the date of the as-built certification. D. Records of Maintenance Activities: The owner of each structural SCM shall keep records of inspections, maintenance, and repairs for at least 5 years and shall submit the same, upon reasonable request, to the Administrator. E. Operation and Maintenance Agreement 1. Prior to the conveyance or transfer of any lot or building site to be served by a structural SCM pursuant to this ordinance, and prior to issuance of any permit for

12.5.6. Operation, Maintenance and Inspection A.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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