Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Erosion, Flood, Stormwater & Watershed Standards 12.5 Stormwater Management


1. The Town will participate with property owners in the installation of storm drains crossing private property, other than in new subdivisions within the Town’s corporate limits, under the following conditions: a. The storm drain to be installed will carry storm drainage water discharged from an existing town street (“Public” Water) or streets dedicated for public street purpose and accepted for maintenance by the Town. b. The property owner(s) will furnish the Town without cost a duly executed good and sufficient easement, conveying to the Town such perpetual right- of-way determined by the Administrator and necessary for the installation and maintenance of the storm drain, the form and sufficiency of such easement to be determined by the Town Attorney. The town will not be responsible for any shrubs, trees or structures within the right-of-way or easement and permanent structures may not be built over the right-of- way. c. At the time of the property owner’s application to the Town , the storm drain system to be installed is to be located on property on which a residential, commercial, or industrial building has existed for a period of 60 months and the desirability or necessity for such installation is not due to a planned expansion or modification of such existing building nor to an expansion or modification made to such existing building within a 60 month period prior to the date of such application. d. The installation of the storm drainage system shall extend throughout a dedicated easement to a natural watercourse or existing storm drain or across the entire lot in the event there is no natural water course or existing storm drain on the property. In addition, limitations are placed on installing fences in dedicated easements. See section 6.10.2.E of the UDO and section 2.9.2 of the MSSD. Fencing in the floodplain, regardless of specification outlined in Chapter 6 of the UDO and section 2 of the MSSD will required Administrator approval. e. The pipe, size, alignment, grade, length, discharge point, structural accessories (such as manholes, headwalls, catch basins, junction boxes) and other specifications shall be as determined by the Administrator. 2. In the event the pipe to be installed does not exceed the e quivalent of 48” in diameter, the Town will furnish the necessary labor and equipment or cost thereof, to install the storm drain and the property owner(s) shall furnish all required pipe and all materials for structural accessories as specified by the Administrator. The town will purchase on behalf of the property owner(s) such pipe and materials upon the property owner(s) depositing in cash the cost of the same. The following conditions shall apply: a. Cost for each property owner shall be determined by dividing the total cost of materials by the total footage of property owners adjoining the proposed pipe location and multiplying the result by the footage of each individual owner to determine his/her share of the cost. b. Where the size of the pipe to be instal led exceeds 48” in diameter, the town shall determine the most feasible method of improving the ditch with methods such as, but not limited to piping, paving banks, culverts, concrete lining, rip rap, etc. c. In such cases where the size of the pipe exceeds 4 8” in diameter, the property owner(s) share of the cost shall not exceed the cost of all materials and accessories for the installation of a pipe 48” in diameter.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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