Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Erosion, Flood, Stormwater & Watershed Standards 12.6 Water Supply Watershed Protection Regulations


to that point is considered a distinct drainage area for BUA calculations. Off- Site drainage should not be included in this calculation. BAU calculations can allow district drainage areas to be combined into one drainage areas for evaluation if the district drainage areas converge together off-site near the project boundary. The determination of “near” the project boundary will need to be established in this Ordinance.


Separate Drainage Area Calculation Approach Example: A proposed 50-acre project site has two distinct drainage areas that drain to separate and independent streams/drainage features described as follows:

• Area A: 30 acres with 4.1 acres of built-upon area

• Area B: 20 acres with 8 acres of built-upon area

The high density development limit is 24%. Calculation of the BAU percentage would be as follows:

% Built-Upon Area A&B = (4.1 acres + 8 acres)/(50 acres) x 100=24.2%

Since the built-upon percentage exceeds 24% the high density threshold, the entire project site would be considered High Density.

H. Prohibited Uses: The following uses are prohibited in the Water Supply Watershed Protection Overlay Districts: 1. Processing of mineral products; 2. Lumber mills and saw mills; 3. Processing of animal and vegetable products; 4. The storage of toxic and hazardous materials unless a spill containment plan is implemented; 5. Landfills and discharging landfills; 6. Sites for land application of sludge/residuals or petroleum contaminated soils; 7. Discharges of sewage, domestic wastewater, industrial wastes, non-process industrial wastes, or other wastes except as permitted by the Division of Environmental Health, N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources or successor authority; 8. Any use determined by the Town of Wake Forest to be detrimental to the quality of water in water supply watersheds by posing a threat of run-off, leaching or other types of pollution.


Hazardous Materials 1. Existing and new industrial development shall maintain an inventory of all hazardous materials used and stored on the premises; and, prepare a spill/failure containment plan and implement safeguards against contamination; and, encourage waste minimization and the appropriate recycling of materials. 2. New industrial development shall incorporate adequately designed, constructed, and maintained spill containment structures if hazardous materials are used, stored, or manufactured on the premises.

12.6.2. Impervious Surface Averaging A.

Purpose: Impervious surface averaging allows development plans for 2 noncontiguous parcels to be submitted together and treated as a single project in order to meet the requirements of this section. This option is intended to enhance water supply

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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